Owl Cat
- Is this for real?
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Bike Tricks
- These guys pull off some insane motorcycle tricks.
People Animation
- People run together to create various shapes.
Cool Sushi
- Sushi art at its finest.
Lego Venice
- Legos recreate Venice.
Balloon Artwork
- Cool cartoons and things made from balloons.
German Parking Garage
- Car stacking.
People Art
- A group of people coordinate to create cool designs.
License Plate Trick
- This has to be illegal.
Crazy Cars
- Imagine seeing these on the streets!
Very Large Things
- Crazy nature.
Iraqi Sand Storm
- Crazy storm.
Balloon Art
- One impressive clown.
Furby In Microwave
- A fitting end to this annoying thing.
RC Car House Jump
- Too bad that it gets busted up.
Space Invaders Stop Action
- This must have taken forever to film.
Fast Reload
- This guy can reload his pistol in the blink of an eye.
Syrup Chug
- Inspired by Super Troopers, the syrup chug!
Amazing Pen Computer
- I wonder what else it can do?
Huge Smoke Rings
- These guys create huge smoke rings using a garbage can.
Cigarette Trick
- This guy has a pretty impressive "talent".
Card Through Can
- Watch this guy throw a playing card through an empty...
Post-it Flip Book
- A very cool flip book made from post-it notes.
Liquid Nitrogen in Pool
- These guys pour liquid nitrogen into a pool with...
- This guy documented his road trip from LA to NYC.
Street Magic
- CLASSIC: The best street magician I have ever seen.
Trailer Jump
- This guy trys a jump with a trailer attached... BAD...
Video Effects
- These guys show off their video editing skills.
RC Plane
- These guys have made an art out of flying this plane.
Jeep Jump
- This had to be fun.
DDR Wedding
- Weddings don't get much nerdier than this.
Water Fuel
- Amazing video showing what is possible with water as a...
Jet Powered Go Cart
- Looks like fun...
Another Beatboxer
- This kid shows off his beatboxing talents.
Automatic Pistol
- For all you gun lovers, check this auto pistol!
Amazing Robot
- The future is here!
Fire Eater
- Impressive fire eating routine.
Huge Wasp
- This wasp must be drugged.
Human Beatbox
- Meet Rahzel, the best beatboxer of all time.
eBaum's Picks