Nathan "Flutebox" Lee
- this guy plays the flute and beat box at the same...
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Get Off My Car Cat
- Easy solution to remove cats.
Shark Attack
- Amazing close up footage of a shark going ballistic on...
What starts with F and ends with K
- A first-grade teacher, Ms. Brooks, was having trouble...
Dime In Shot Glass Trick
- Mad skills for one of the hardest trick shots in pool!
Levitating Water
- A trick of the light that makes it appear as though...
Smoke Trick
- Lets just say this guy has some interesting skills!
Awesome Bongs
- Cool and creative ways to smoke your illegal stuff.
Knife in Beating Heart
- This guy takes a knife to the chest and it goes into...
High Speed Watermelon Peeling
- You should see how he peels potatoes!
The Great Escape
- This awesome dog climbs up a tree to get over the...
Halloween Window
- Animated Halloween window. This would scare the crap...
DNA Experiment - Fruits And Vegetables
- Interesting artwork with subject DNA Experiment the...
Good Skateboarder
- This guy is actually pretty good and fun to watch....
Amazing Fascinating Photos
- Collection of Random Fascinating photos
Hot In Here -Acapella
- Better than the original?
Cool Photoshopped Pics
- Check out these awesome pics!
Base Jump POV
- It's like you're really there!
Amazing Speed Painting
- Impressive speed painting of Batman and the Joker.
Creative World
- Some very creative art and photography.
Time Lapse - Gecko Eaten By Ants
- Time lapse video of ants eating a dead gecko.
30,000 Dominos
- How much patience does this take!?
Socks, Socks, Socks
- Not since a Fruit of the Loom commercial from back in...
Schizo Does Salvia
- LoL....this guy has the trip of a life time' and never...
3D Tattoo Art
- Some really awesome looking 3D tattoos out there.
Famous Fruit and Vegetables
- Check out these celebrities.
Idiot Knocks Himself Out With A Guitar
- "I'm Okay!"
Pigeon Gamer
- Do pigeons really enjoy playing games?
Best Of: When You See It
- The best of those pics that make you take a second...
Girl Laughs So Hard She Pees Her Pants
- At least she didn't go number 2 on herself....or her...
Glass Harp
- This probably would be the only person I'd give money...
Guy Accidently Hits His Friend With An Axe
- Glad they don't have chainsaws in their neck of the...
Cool Lego Creations
- Creations from Legos.
Crazy Keg Toss
- What an interesting sport!
Fleeing Suspect Impaled On Fence
- When out of jail, we'll have his Darwin award waiting...
Bubba Hog Dancing
- Give that fan a contract! And a hot dog.
Scared Of Heights?
- This is not a place for people who suffer vertigo. The...
Transvestites VS McDonalds Employees
- Remember when attacked by a he/she... Hot grease may...
Wheel of Fortune Loser
- This guy just doesn't have it in him to get a winner.
Jamming Out In The Library
- This person shows just how little shame they really...
eBaum's Picks