Balloon Guitar!
- Who Knew you could play the Balloon Like This!
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Never a Year Like '09
- JibJab's take on 2009
Icy Road Fail
- Ice Skating for Cars
Give A Squirrel A Helping Hand
- people help baby squirrel climb a wall
Ridiculous Touchdown Run
- Run Wilder Run
Freestyle Battle Knock Out
- this is debatable, but its still cool
Amazing Audio Illusion
- Replay this video once it is finished to hear the...
Awesome Cat Video Compilation
- This is the best of the best when it comes to cat...
LIFE's 2009 Photo's of the year
- Here are some of the best/excelent photographs from...
Ataque de Pnico!
- Fede Alvarez's 300 dollar sci-fi video hit stuns...
Lady Sings Fifth Element Tune
- I thought it was auto-tuned, but this girl pulls it...
4-Year Old Gets Suspended For Having Long Hair
- this is absolutely ridiculous
Homeless Man Covers "Creep"
- And Does an Awesome Job.
Dryer vs. Sparkler Bomb
- Never knew sparklers could be so cool
Train Vs. Tornado
- Who will win, God or the train??
Guitar Hero Christmas Lights
- It was only a matter of time before someone came up...
Awesome Concrete Christmas Truck
- Truck full of Christmas lights
Flying Kick to the Gut
- "What!? He ran directly to my cleats, I didnt do...
Lucha Libre Pwning
- This kid got pwned by a sneaky Lucha Libre in the...
The Invisible Man
- Chinese painter artfully hides within his own...
UFO Or Missile Trace?
- Mystery spiral lights over Norway
Worlds Coolest Clock
- He has attained his life long dream of being a human...
Book Comes To Life
- Book comes to life as the story is being told. Pretty...
The Infinity Mirror
- A perfect gift for a stoner this Christmas.
Anal Beer Bongs Anyone?
- Well... I just found a new way to spend my Saturday...
Extreme Roof Jump
- must be seen to be believed.
Kick a Ginger Day
- From South Park. A face book account urged student...
The Kurdish Donkey Wearing People Clothes
- Is this animal cruelty? or just really funny!
Monday Morning Randomness!
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Redneck Games
- I guess regular skeet shooting wasn't good enough
Beyond the Creepiest Dude in the World
- This pretty much the worst thing this dutch talkshow...
WTF Wednesday!
- Random WTF! Pics
Blowing Up Toy Cars
- Very well produced slow motion video of toy cars...
Just Put the Shades On!
- Awesome Fight Scene
Monday Morning Randomness!
- Start your week with some randomness!
Christmas Nazi Wrapping Paper?
- This chick didn't notice all the swastikas all over.
Soldier Gets a Welcome Home From His Dog
- This guy's dog go crazy and cries when it sees it's...
Anime Girls In Reality
- How those busty girls from anime would look like if...
Ninja Cat Part 2 The Stalkening
- Yes the ninja cat is at it again and show true...
Girl Brawl Breaks Out at High School Soccer Game
- Now high school girls are following in the foot steps...
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