2010 Tokyo Auto Salon Girls
- Like anybody came there to see the cars, come on.
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Star Trek Blue Ray Phaser
- Cool hack combines a Blu Ray laser with a Star Trek...
The Digital Guitar
- A very cool presentation of the new Misa Guitar...
Spiderman Geddan!
- black spiderman getting down!
One Week of Sunlight
- This elapsed time video shows one week of sunlight at...
Russian Beatbox Girl
- she's only eleven years old!
Goalkeeper WTF
- what is this guy trying to do, break his neck?
Crazy Flaming Robot Pushing a Shopping Cart
- Not sure why this was built, but it is pretty cool.
Worst Answer Ever
- Woman on 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader' gives the...
U.K. Police Sledding On Riot Shields
- what ever happens keep smiling!
Kid Makes Weird Hand Trick
- The gross part is when it sounds "crunch!".
Freezelight Magic Forest
- A cool video of stop motion and lights.
Keyboard Flute Beatbox
- This dudes' got awesome multi-tasking music talent.
Shopping Cart Half Pipe
- kid in a shopping cart, on a half pipe. need I say...
LT Dance
- And this is the reason Dancing in the inzone ends up...
Creepy Kid from Back To The Future III
- what is that kid doing?!?!?!
Pit Bull Big Jump
- This pooch gets big air! Watch him fly! Notice him...
Prisoner Escapes From Staten Island, NY Prison
- Crazy footage of a prisoner bolted from a chain gang...
Karate Girl Fail
- And end's with self ownage
People of Walmart Rap
- the customers of walmart are an interesting group of...
Bear Grylls Gives Himself an Enema
- If you don't know what an enema is, this video will...
Dog Gets Kidnapped by Owl
- The dog used its superpowers to escape.
Best Staredown EVER!!!!
- awesome
Crazy Truck Driver
- so he tries to pass a car and a truck and takes about...
Mariah Carey's Drunk Acceptance Speech
- I think someone has had one too many....
Home Alone Recut
- The epic battle with a kid left alone and some...
Pow! Dad Creates Superhero Lunches
- A Nebraska father sends his son to school every day...
Miracle Buzzer Beater by Florida to Beat NC State
- possible 2010 play of the year already?
Chinese Demolition Fail!
- Next time they wont go so cheap on the Dynamite!
The Mind Break
- Either this dude breaks boards with his mind or a good...
The Most Useless Machine EVER!
- you better not try to turn it on, it wont like it
Animal Optical Illusion
- Pretty cool illusion that looks like the animals are...
Tiny Gallon Breaks Backboard
- a once in 20 years event! I love these
Hot Sexy Willing Momma In Short Shorts DTF
- Original Title: Hot Girl Back Flip Gone Bad
Travis Pastrana's New Years Jump
- he sets a new world record for longest jump in a rally...
Top Protest Signs of the Year
- Nothing brings that tear to my eye like anal...
Training for New Years
- So.... who whats to compete with that guy in a...
Christmas Miracle: Mom and Baby Die, then Revived
- On Christmas Eve, an expectant Colorado mom went into...
10.5 Hour Milky Way Timelapse
- Pretty cool video of the Milky Way.
Jedi Masters Figure Iceskating Championships
- This guy won, but only because they found traces of...
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