The 48 Funniest Tweets from the Last 48 Hours The space between Christmas and New Year’s is a strange netherworld of time, and Twitter reflects that today.
New Mothers Visited by Giant Pop-Tart in Uncomfortable Promotional Stunt No better way to start your kid’s life than with a little commercial horror!
32 ‘Real-Life Superheroes’ Just Looking for an Excuse to Dress Up omic book characters like Spider-Man and Green Lantern are beloved by losers all around the world.
Watch a Bunch of Kids from the 1960s Predict What the Year 2000 Will Be Like Sorry to say, but the reality is much lamer.
30 Pictures of LAN Parties You Can Smell Before broadband internet was the standard, you couldn’t just drop into a Fortnite match with a random 12-year-old if you wanted to play multiplayer video games.
28 Pizza Disasters We Wouldn’t Wish On Our Worst Enemies Anything that comes between a man and his pizza is a tragedy of the highest order and, yes, an act of terrorism.
Girls in Pool Turn Themselves into a Giant Bong To fully understand the bong, you must become the bong.
29 Funny Pictures from When Kids Were Expendable Nowadays kids are largely considered unique and irreplaceable.
Kids Release Balloons Into Power Lines, Knock Out City’s Electricity The adults should have seen this coming.
This Stressed-Out Amazon Driver Threw All of Her Packages into the Woods Instead of Delivering Them If your Christmas was ruined by a missing package, you might want to check your nearby forest.
25 New Photos of What the World Looked Like in 1979 The 1970s was a transformative decade, and needed a fun year to close it out.
20 Photos of What Having Fun Looked Like in the 1970s Were the '70s the height of human existence? Your rose colored glasses say they were.
25 New Photos of What the World Looked Like in 1974 Between Watergate, a divided Berlin World Cup, and the Vietnam war, 1974 wasn't exactly a stable year.
28 Real-Life Wizards Bringing Magic to the Modern World Forget the drone sightings - wizards may be among us.
21 Photos of What Life Looked Like in a 1970s Hippie Commune Hippie communes took their philosophies to the logical extreme.
30 Odd Loads We’d Rather Not Drive Behind We understand not everyone can afford to hire movers, or ship things across the country, but sometimes it's ridiculous.