Tony Hawk’s Legendary 900 Still Gives Us Goosebumps,...
- Throwback to the 1999 X-Games Vert Best Trick. With...
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Someone Decided to Cook Eggs over 1,000 Sparklers
- If you ever find yourself lost in the woods or on a...
29 Awe-Inspiring Photos to Get Us through the Week
- Try taking your eye off of these pictures. We couldn't.
Rams vs Cowboys Fight at Practice and Football Is Most...
- After 6 months without football, NFL training camp is...
Idris Elba to Voice Knuckles in Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- In a less than cryptic tweet, the British star all but...
Residents Going to Check out Flooding in the Building...
- These three friends, in Omaha, Nebraska, decide to go...
Austin Police Save Man from Burning Car
- This guy's lucky to be alive.
27 Charts Filled With Random Knowledge
- There's a chart for everything.
60 Killer Pics to Get Through the Week
- It's lookin' like a long one, but these cool randoms...
Ten Iconic Couples That Give Us Swinger Vibes
- Video games have plenty of couples. After all, the...
Detroit Woman Tracks Down and Recovers Stolen Car All...
- Using social media clues and some determined detective...
15 Unethical Life Hacks You Would Never Think Of
- These might help you out of a tight spot, but probably...
40 Trivia Tidbits For Knowledgeable Noggin Nom Noms
- This'll learn ya, durn ya.
Time Lapse of Ants Eating Cheesecake Weirdly...
- It's like a car crash that we can't take our eyes off...
30 Street Smarts Every Traveler Should Know
- Advice to help you stay safe in new places.
15 Insane Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
- These are just bizarre.
Stop All First Pitches, We’ve Got a Winner and...
- So last month, fitness guru and YouTuber Demi Bagby...
Norwegian Man Steals Mayor's Thunder By Cutting Ribbon...
- Leif Kydland a citizen of the city of Arendal in...
People Fleeing a Burning Greek Island via Ferry Looks...
- Hundreds of people fled Evia island in Greece as the...
Chris Chan Got Arrested for Incest - Take a Peek Into...
- Down the rabbit hole indeed.
BBC's Olympic Studio Is a Virtual Environment Powered...
- BBC's Olympic studio has gained a lot of attention,...
26 Sides of History That Usually Go Unseen
- These give a whole new perspective on things.
Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters Troll Westboro Baptist...
- Dave Grohl and his band The Foo Fighters did a...
66 Assorted Pics to Entertain and Amuse the Bored
- A supersized smorgasbord of visual delights for your...
How Minecraft Forever Changed Gaming
- What is the most revolutionary video game ever...
Ruining John Wick With Math
- The John Wick movies are a lot of fun as long as...
Video Explains the Difference Between Alpha and Sigma...
- Move over Alphas...
Dude Captures Boat Getting Positively Rekt by Lightning
- Whoever owns that boat - pretty sure God is mad at you...
Dude in Old Car Outplays Multiple Cops in 100mph...
- The one that got away...
59 Fun Randoms That Kill 99.99% of Bad Vibes
- Take a chill pill. Or 59 chill pills, to be exact.
28 Absolute Units Spotted Around the World
- Damn that bread look good!
'Starlight' Is the Original Version of 'Thriller'...
- Hearing the alternative choruses is especially...
Matt Stone and Trey Parker Ink Massive Deal, Can...
- As if they weren't already successful enough, the...
Video Game Powerups Likeliest To Shrink Your Stones
- Video game power-ups are like steroids for digital...
Live TV Segment Captures a Dude Accidentally Driving...
- During a live segment about development around the...
These Entitled People Actually Exist, Fortunately So...
- Entitled people suck, and here are 21 photos proving...
39 Facts We Didn't Learn in School
- There's a difference between schooling and education.
18 People So Badass History Will Never Forget Them
- People history can't forget.
42 Charts and Graphs Filled With Knowledge
- There's a chart for everything.
39 Choice Pics From the Giant Safe Under Our Office
- You might be wondering why we have a giant safe in our...
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