'Amber Alert' Interrupts Closing Statements in the...
- You cannot make this stuff up.
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Entitled Boomer Craving Chinese Food Gets Instant Karma
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
51 Funny Facepalms of Silly Fools
- Get ready to put your face in your palm.
25 People Who Realized Disturbing Truths
- 25 people who were forced to come to terms with the...
56 Kickass Pics and Photos for Your Amusement
- A collection of interesting, funny, and random pics to...
Flames Rage on as Unfortunate Floater Catches Fire Out...
- Reason 69,420 why we'll never go on a cruise ship.
30 Weird Things Being Sold Online
- Who's buying this stuff?
Cellphone Store Clerk Turns the Tables on Attempted...
- While being robber, a store clerk manages to slip out...
Seth Green's Bored Ape Tv Show Cancelled After Someone...
- Here is the trailer for the show Seth Green was...
25 Commonly Accepted ‘Facts’ That Are Pure BS
- Humanity relies on data and information. Hence facts...
25 Most Absurd Confessions from Strangers
- Imagine you're just sitting around, minding your...
Remembering Ray Liotta, after Actor Passes Away at 67
- Another tremendous talent gone too soon.
Kevin Spacey's Return to Acting Isn't Going Well
- Kevin Spacey has made his long and not-so-awaited...
Uvalde Police Halt Parents from Trying to Save Their...
- Instead of trying to stop the active shooter, police...
Guy Obliterates a Wasp Nest Using an M80 on a Stick
- Sometimes dangerous jobs require dangerous tactics.
Lone Rat Causes Mass Panic at the Dog Park
- Oh man, this guy is in the wrong neighborhood.
55 Random Pics to Slack Off With
- Take a few minutes for yourself today and give your...
Steve Kerr Says It Best After 19 Children are Murdered...
- Steve Kerr has been very outspoken on gun issues and...
24 Tweets That Are Hot Like Fire
- Be careful not to burn yourself on some fire tweets.
Elon Musk Facts You Probably Don't Know
- Elon Musk is a bit of a paradox. One day, he seems to...
48 Fascinating Photos For Your Gandergobs
- The world is a fascinating place to visit.
Guy Buys The Wrong Dress For GF's 30th, Will Never...
- Can you believe this?
Guy Gets Way too Close to a MASSIVE Tornado in Texas
- This dusty tornado touched down in an open field as...
The Often Overlooked Struggles of Being Overweight
- The next time you think about putting someone down for...
Paraglider Lands on the Wrong Roof, Jumps off to Evade...
- Security told him to get down, so he did.
Ex-NFL Player Gets the Best of United Airlines Worker...
- As Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson used to say, "Know your...
20 Bad Bosses Who Don’t Understand the Real World
- They make work worse than it already is.
25 People Reveal Crazy Secrets After Their NDA's...
- Want to know some industry-standard secrets that many...
Staged Train Collision From the 1930 Minnesota State...
- Almost 100-years ago state fairs features staged train...
'Top Gun' BTS Video Proves Tom Cruise Is Still a Bada**
- I was hesitant to see the new 'Top Gun', but not after...
Monday Morning Randomness User Edition - Mizuka
- Take a few moments for yourself this fine Monday...
21 Fascinating Pics From Way Back When
- Take a trip back in time with this fascinating...
30 One-in-a-Million Things That Happened To People
- These were either fate or luck, but anyway you slice...
Power-Tripping Manager Tells Hard of Hearing Worker...
- In case anyone was confused, hearing aids are not the...
20 Comments That Nailed It
- These were on point.
49 Fun Randoms to Spice up the Day
- Funny pictures images memes fun photos
Star Wars Set Photos You Probably Haven't Seen Before
- Behind the scenes pictures from the set of Star Wars,...
23 Gaming Pics and Memes to Level Up With
- Another day, another fresh batch of funny gaming memes...
DOT Vehicle Bursts into Flames after Being Rear-ended...
- A dump truck traveling down I-77 inexplicably veers...
17 People Who Asked to Get Roasted and Got Scorched
- They got what they asked for.
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