This Man Having a 5 Inch Pin Removed From His Face Is...
- A man has a pin from some previous reconstructive...
Media videos
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Helicopter Crashes Right in Front of Wedding Ceremony
- A chopper goes down at a vineyard in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Meet The Deadliest Living Creature on the Planet Earth
- The Bacteriophage is basically nature's ultimate...
Motherf*cking Bad-Ass Chick Shreds the F*ck Out of...
- Just when you thought that the original piano version...
Eddy Murphy Goes In On Bill Cosby
- Eddy Murphy does a better Bill Cosby impression than...
Army Soldiers Cut Straps to Humvee Parachutes to Watch...
- Our tax dollars at work.
Dust Whirlwind Seems From Another Planet
- This soccer game got ruined by mother nature.
Difficult Rubik's Solve Might Actually Get this Guy...
- This seems impossible, but even then, does he stand a...
Fishing Boat Defends Its Turf
- That's one way to get other fishermen to GTFO.
Idiot Tourists Get out of Their Vehicle in Wildlife...
- These oblivious people nearly get attacked by a pack...
MMA Fighters Destroy Women's Self-Defense Techniques
- Always try before you buy folks.
These Guys Quickly Find Out They're Robbing the Wrong...
- Unbelievable footage of delivery man flipping the...
Closing a Box Made of Mirrors With a Light Bulb Inside
- Whoa, this is trippy.
Guy Dropped 200 Wallets in Cities to See How Honest...
- Learn a thing or two about humanity with this...
Denver Mayor's Son Caught On Camera Being An Entitled...
- Well, this is what it like when you think you can get...
How America Covers The News Versus How Britain Covers...
- In America, we like to think the world is always on...
Security Guard Risks His Life When a Live Grenade is...
- A brave security guard jumps into action after he...
Badass Pilot Boards Ship Like a Man
- This man brought his balls of steel to the ice of...
Japanese Ex-Porn Star Confesses Everything
- Emiri Okazaki explains her trials and tribulation in...
Would Your Dog Save You From A Home Intruder?
- Would your dog defend you?
Ex-Gang Members React to Seeing Themselves Without...
- Photographer Steven Burton took photos of former gang...
Who Thought it Was a Good Idea to Give Rob Gronkowski...
- The all-star tight end for the New England Patriots...
WTF! Strange Car Found Hanging Behind A Bridge In...
- How in the hell did someone get the car there in the...
This is What Happens When You Spray Water on a...
- This is a good example of why you don't spray water on...
World's Highest Paved Road Doesn't Even Look Real
- The Karakoram Highway, Hunza, Pakistan has scenery...
Miami Police Officer Attempts To Kick a Field Goal...
- Shocking video shows a suspect who is handcuffed was...
3 Flat Earthers Go On A Morning Television Show And...
- The hosts are absolutely baffled that people still...
Hot Chick Busts A Backflip to Split Move That Wows...
- Now THAT was impressive!
Guy Rock Climbing Gets Passed By A Free Climber...
- He better not lose his grip or it's all over!
Insane Airborne View of that Lava Flow Headed Toward a...
- Folks on the Big Island of Hawaii weren't sure the...
Guy Discovers Some Fraudulent Practices Happening At...
- Ah the classic bait and switch, it'll get you every...
Guy Takes Out A Criminal With a Gun Who Was Running...
- A perfectly timed leg-sweep will get 'em every time!
Guy Plays A 27 String Guitar And It's Almost Magical
- The crazy part is that he built this instrument so he...
Police Release Body Cam Footage from the Las Vegas...
- The moment swat rushed Stephen Paddock's hotel room...
Security Camera Catches Moment C-130 Crashes In Georgia
- Watch the moment an Air National Guard cargo plane...
Twin Sisters Dance Their Way Into Our Hearts
- These ballet dancers know exactly what they're doing.
Dude Shows Up Stoned Out of His Mind For A Job...
- Somehow, this doped up dude manages to land the job.
Terrifying Footage of a Burning Residential Building...
- A 26 storey residential building has collapsed in...
Intense Video Footage of The Largest Nuclear Test Ever...
- A clip of the Castle Bravo nuclear test detonated...
The Perfect Race Happened This Weekend If You Like...
- The 2018 Azerbaijan Grand Prix had something for...
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