Synthetic Ice Rink in Eastern Europe Seems Like a Real...
- Where's the sliding? This plastic ice rink in the...
Media videos
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Kevin Spacey Releases Another Creepy and Threatening...
- Kevin Spacey is back and he's making us feel very...
Panic Sets in as Dude Realizes He Locked Himself in...
- Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Mike Tyson Calls Reporter A B**** For Talking About...
- There is a fine line between standing up to predators...
Breaking The World Record For The Biggest "Elephant...
- I could watch that foam explosion all day long.
Dude's Farts are So Rancid His Dyson Air Purifier...
- Those are expensive fart analyzers, think I'll keep...
Karen Attempts to Use the Force, Gets Tazed to the...
- A woman charged a police officer at the gas station in...
Beauty Vlogger Zoella Says Her Favorite Game is...
- British beauty vlogger Zoella and her boyfriend Alfie...
Cop Tries to Kill Dog, Shoots Child Instead
- The poorly-aimed shot ricocheted off the floor and a...
Very Non-Triggered Man Has A Greta Thunberg Exhaust...
- Which he seems very proud to show off. What a normal...
News Anchor Savagely Mocks a Man After His Interview
- He makes an excellent point.
Two Monster Sea Lions Hijack a Sailboat
- Footage from Eld Inlet, Washington shows gigantic...
Lady's Jump Split Brings the Party to a Halt
- She should have read the room.
Dude Dumps His Girl by Tattooing it Onto Her
- They seem like a really classy couple.
Karen Embarrasses Herself While Failing to Rip Down a...
- A couple moved into a neighborhood in Mildura,...
"I Recognize You from Lord of the Rings" Drunk Idiot...
- They gonna smash, or what?
FINALLY the Impractical Jokers Made a Narrative-Driven...
- Take an old truTV prank show, stretch it out to an...
Idiots Decide To Take Selfies At The Gun Range
- Yeah dude, maybe not a good idea to point a loaded gun...
Cringeworthy Stand-up Routine Is Just Plain Awful
- If you can make it the entire way through you deserve...
If Cardi B Did the Sound Effects for 'Star Wars'
- Finally, a use for all those sounds she makes.
Enraging Video of a School Police Officer Assaulting a...
- He shouldn't just be fired, he should be arrested. How...
Do Not Show This Cooking Video To An Italian Person
- This poor has made a mockery out of Italian cooking....
Do Not Show This Cooking Video To An Italian Person
- This poor has made a mockery out of Italian cooking....
The Most Disgusting Case of Police Incompetence In...
- Police not only killed the UPS driver who had been...
Social Media Influencer Says She's "Too Beautiful to...
- Life must be great when you have a direct line to mom...
Trashy Adults Use Baby as Part of Their Drinking Game
- Not sure what's worse - using the kid as a way to get...
The Entire Chilling Exchange Between a Young Girl and...
- Do you know that camera in your doorbell and the one...
The New England Patriots Have Been Caught Red-handed
- The New England Patriots and cheating go together like...
Drunk Festival Chick Sexually Assaults A Tree
- This young woman gave a whole lotta love to a tree at...
A Collection of the Best News Bloopers from 2019
- A collection of the best local and national news...
Girl Announces "It’s a MF Party" Before Smashing...
- Looks like a smashing good time.
Moron In A Mustang Wrecks His Car
- Ha this dude is never going to live this one down.
Watch Ninja Struggle to Cut Bread, Avocados, and...
- Fortnite gamer Ninja attempts to make a sandwich on an...
First Cousins Get Married, Hope to Change Laws
- They definitely look like they're really in love......
Ah Yes, The Old Fill Up a Plastic Bag of Gas Trick
- Double bagged so it doesn't spill! Smart.
How to be a Sh*tty Parent 101
- An oblivious couple sits their daughter on the bar...
Grandma Jumps The Shark While Spreading Uncle Marks...
- "Does it look like I just ate a powdered donut?"
Man on Dirt-Bike Crosses an Arched Bridge The Hard Way
- A man with a deathwish crossed this arch bridge over...
Jersey City Turns Into A War Zone as Police Exchange...
- Heavy gunfire rang out over the course of at least an...
Dog-Walking Karen Confronts a UPS Delivery Man in...
- A suspicious woman holds her phone in the face of a...
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