Near Miss While Crossing The Street
- Watch as his white pants suddenly turn brown...
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Near Miss While Crossing The Street
- Watch as his white pants suddenly turn brown...
The Easiest Foul Ball Catch Ever
- What are the odds of this happening?
Force Fed Under Standard Gitmo Procedure
- Actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (Mos Def), experiences the...
Golden Corral Resturant Exposed
- An employee shows us how Golden Corral gets ready for...
The Urban Jungle
- A short documentary on strange mating rituals of this...
Best Golf Shot Ever
- A cameraman recording an angry golfer gets a surprise!
The Empire State Building Lights Up
- The Building and Macy's partnered together to put on...
Hooligans Shoot Fireworks At Police
- Suspects shoot fireworks at Tulsa, OK Police and were...
Rhythmic Gymnast Throws First Pitch
- Shin Soo-ji throws out a mind bending first pitch.
Naked Ambition On American Ninja Warrior
- Possibly the greatest streaker ever!
Cat Spots Something Outside
- A cat is watching something intensely when suddenly...
Fat Guy Drinks Coke And Eats Mentos
- I wonder if he knew what was going to happen...
Crazy Teen On Bath Salts
- After crashing into a fence and through a house, the...
Scoring A Basket With A Chicken
- He was immediately whistled for a shooting fowl...
Basically Canadian History
- Celebrate Canada Day with a quick lesson about it's...
Police Arrest Man And Kill His Dog
- Police arrested Leon Rosby for "Obstruction" then kill...
The Worst News Graphic Ever?
- You just didn't even try, did you?
Don't Stand Too Close To The Race Track
- A track crew member takes a high speed barrel to the...
Teabagged By Satan's Balls
- Two guys try to take on the hottest pepper in the...
Opies Elevator - Worst Twerking Video Ever
- We decided to get Lady Di and Marion to do some...
Bald Eagle Gets A Fish Treat
- The majestic bird flies in up close and personal for a...
Dude Attempts to Jump Over Car
- Darwin would approve.
The Best Of The Month - June 2013
- The B.O.M. has been dropped on June!
Talented And Funny Young Magician
- Kyle Eschen puts on an impressive comedy magic show!
Crazy Woman Thrown Into Pool Twice
- A scene chalked full of wtf and chaos.
Man Caught Having Sex With A Bicycle
- CCTV catches a tire slasher in an unusual act...
Introducing: The Homer
- Someone built a real life replica of the Homer car...
How To Take Your Cat For A Swim
- If he doesn't want to go, you just have throw him in!
Guy Falls Asleep During Online Gaming
- A gamer falls asleep during the game and reveals a...
Scooter Driver Takes An Unexpected Flight
- A scooter gets some big air after hitting some...
Faceplant Into Flaming Lava Rocks
- IF you play with fire, you're gonna get burned!
French Bulldog Startles Himself
- A rogue fart catches this french bulldog off guard.
Useless Box Has A Few Surprises
- This gadget shows you what its like trying to turn on...
More To The Story: The Snowden Case
- Is all the hype and controversy just another...
Confronting The Hot Bitchy Girl
- What you want to say VS. what you actually say...
Impressive Freestyling Skills
- He pulls random words out of a hat and incorporate...
How We See
- A demonstration on how people see the same situation...
Gorilla Scares Kids Taunting Him At The Zoo
- Some kids tease a gorilla at the zoo, and he decides...
Man High On Mushrooms Rips Off Penis
- Drugs are bad, mmmmmmkay.
eBaum's Picks