Dancing Man Chases The Devil
- Satan was nowhere to be found at this concert, only...
Media videos
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15 Photos That Aren't What They Seem...
- Take a closer look to see what is really going on in...
Idiot Boat Captain Hits Several Boats
- He drives like he's playing Grand Theft Auto. Maybe he...
Proof Bunnies Can Fly
- Look there's the momma rabbit, go to her... Oh No!
The Girl On TV
- A classic love story.
Guy Chokes Himself Out Doing Squats
- A combination of strain and the bar on his throat...
SNL - NFL Films
- A look back at some of the forefathers of the game of...
Internet Classic: Whopper And A Forty
- I got $5.45, time for a whopper and a 40. A day in...
Eye Optical Illusion
- Now you can hallucinate without the drugs.
Employee Hides And Scares The Hell Out Of Boss
- Before preparing to give your boss a heart attack, one...
Baboon Cops-A-Feel During Interview
- A shameless baboon gets handsy with reporter Sabrina...
8 Yr Old Rides Tricycle On Highway
- A boy was seen riding down a busy highway in Brazil on...
This Video May Freak You Out...
- Are you Trypophobic? Don't worry Doctors say it's not...
Don't Touch Pac Man...
- A hilarious animation on why it's not okay to touch...
Frat Bro's Pregame Speech
- There's nothing like 46 F-bombs to really get you...
Mercedes-Benz Dancing Chickens
- Dancing chickens promote the stability of the new...
Crazy Cat Lady VS. Neighbor
- Introducing Crazy Rhubarb Lady's sister: Crazy Cat...
Arrogant Driver Should Heed His Own Advice
- An arrogant driver yells at another, when suddenly...
Why Are The Cookies Cleared?
- An accurate portrayal of the terror Of being caught up...
Employee Eats A LIVE Goldfish Prank
- Customers can't believe it as an employee casually...
Porsche Crashes Hard And Lands In Water
- The car hits a concrete wall, goes airborne and lands...
GIFS With Sound: Volume 6
- Animated .GIFs and sound clips are the perfect recipe...
Baby Misses Dad's Beard
- A 1-Year-Old cries when dad shaves his awesome winter...
Awkward Family Photos: Weird Pet Photos
- If you thought the people were strange, check out...
Bat Dad Is Real
- What are perks of having a schizophrenic dad you ask?
Girl Fails Sliding Down A Sand Dune
- She attempted to use a raft to slide down but that...
Golf Trick Results In Impaled Tongue
- A drunken golfer learns a painful lesson.
Golf Trick Results In Impaled Tongue
- A drunken golfer learns a painful lesson.
Man Searches For Gas Leak With Lighter
- Stand back folks, I got this...
Priest Ruins Couple's Wedding
- A priest reminds them, this isn't about photography,...
Don't Arm Wrestle With A Broken Arm
- A woman with a broken arm enters a competition, and...
Shoe Found with Severed Foot Inside
- A surfer at Ocean Beach in San Francisco found a shoe...
Nerd Rage At Game Stop
- This guy is so anxious to go play GTA V he abandons...
An Eagle's Point Of View
- Take a flight with an Eagle and a mounted a GoPro...
Cheated Out Of $1 Million Dollars
- After getting a million on the spin, the judge buzzes...
Russian Gangsters Rob Funny Driver
- Some gangsters rob a man, but not before he can get in...
Idiots Playing With Guns
- This is a perfect demonstration of how not to handle a...
Beer Plumbing Prank
- A man comes home to find all his faucets serving beer...
Why Are You Instagramming That?
- Uh, because it's there... duh.
Karate Referee Becomes The Winner
- A referee gets more involved with the match than he's...
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