The Coolest Cats On The Block
- Just what every cat needs for chilling on a Caturday.
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Special Ops: Sniper Pug
- Will Sergeant Pugsley save the day? Probably not. He...
Honey Badger Houdini
- Escaping from his captivity in ways you would only...
Scientifically Accurate Spongebob
- The ocean is a weird place, full of strange...
$20 Fishing Line Prank
- Watch people react while trying to chase a $20 that is...
2 Men Tie Child To Tree So They Can Get High
- There is a lot of WTF in this story...
2 Men Tie Child To Tree So They Can Get High
- There is a lot of WTF in this story...
Skater Kid Gets Instant Karma
- That's what he gets for getting lippy.
Jeremy Foley's Violent Car Crash
- Amazingly both the driver and passenger survived.
Pyro Board Flame Table
- An awesome controlled flame system that responds to...
Teen Repays Deadbeat Dad's Debt
- Refreshing story of a young man learning from his...
Crazy Guys Remove Wheels While Driving
- They get the SUV up on two wheels then remove the...
Vine Guide To Perfect Pranks
- Tips and tricks for pulling off pranks.
Ghost Car Appears Out of Nowhere
- A driver almost collides with a car that seemingly...
Hidden Camera Catches Dog's Revenge
- So thats why your pillow always smells like dog...
How Guys And Girls Drink Alone
- The difference between men and women when drinking...
Police Officer Verbally Explodes On Citizen
- A hot-headed cop gets upset and rages on a man who...
BMX Bike To Bike Transfer Fail
- This rider is clearly not hitting his mark.
Dead Body Clean Up Prank
- Russian hitman hires a maid to clean up his dirty...
Hilarious Southwest Flight Attendant
- Best pre flight safety speech ever.
Confessions From Fast Food Workers
- "My boss has told me to cook food off the floor."
Abechan Bird Speaks Japanese
- What is this sorcery?
Quick Life Hacks
- All your problems solved in this video of quick life...
Guy Scares His Girlfriend 22 Times
- A compilation of comedian Aristotle Georgeson...
Young Basketball Player's Ridiculous Flop
- Maybe he should consider a sports career in Soccer...
What It's Like To Run 135 Miles
- One man's journey of 135 miles on the Caminho De Fe in...
Girl Picking Up Girls
- Watch a hot girl hitting on other hot girls.
Giraffe Kicks GoPro Camera
- Reminds me of one of those big AT AT Walkers from Star...
Kids Drenched By Giant Water Balloon
- Can't think of a better way to spend a warm afternoon...
Hillary Clinton Almost Hit With A Shoe
- A women was arrested in Las Vegas for throw a shoe at...
Actor Vs. The Stage
- Too bad he wasn't the one wearing the helmet...
Woman Gets Robbed During An Interview
- She becomes a victim of a thief during a story about...
Brutal Fall Over Stair Railing
- ***GRAPHIC*** It's amazing that this inebriated girl...
Idiot Tries To Speed Through Rush Hour Traffic
- And gets a dose of instant karma.
E-Cig Explodes In Bartender's Face
- An E-Cigarette plugged into iPad charger explodes.
You Shall Not Pass! Police Car Edition
- This cop is a real dick. Check out the ending!
Mass Incarceration In The United States
- A look at the flawed system and policy of the U.S....
Miley Cyrus Fans Reacts To Cancelled Show
- She really wanted to see her...really baa...
Darth Vader Lines As Winnie The Pooh
- Jim Cummings as Darth Pooh And Darkwing Daine Jir.
Napier: "Some Nights I Go To Bed Starving"
- UConn's Shabazz Napier talks about paying college...
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