Epic Marriage Proposal Goes Horribly Wrong
- Sure hope she says yes...
Media videos
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Amazing Animated Optical Illusions
- Eye-fooling illusions masterfully executed.
Weird Holiday Traditions Around the World
- A man breaking into your house and eating cookies...
Teen Steals 10K From Family To Visit Boy
- She spent $1,300 on cab fare alone to visit a boy she...
Creed's Scott Stapp Threatened to Kill President Obama
- Stapp left his house with documents detailing a plot...
This Is The Greatest Christmas Card Ever
- Just wait to see what this thing does. Created by...
There's A Reason This Slide Is Closed
- This Russian man learns the hard way.
Human Rendition of a Humpback Whale
- Famed travel guide Rick Steve's girlfriend...
BMX Riders Use Pizza For Ramps
- BMXers riding on pizza ramps.
When Being Drunk And Stuck Goes Wrong
- This drunk guy stuck in a bathroom stall gets out in...
Lonely Cat Clones Itself
- Cat clones itself in order to have a friend...but...
Ukrainian Dukes Of Hazzard
- A truck gets some air, and the driver probably gives...
Deer Plays Dead And Terrifies Hunter
- I think someone may need a new pair of underwear.
White Lies Everybody Tells
- "I'll be there in five minutes..."
Worker Gets Catapulted By Pallet Jack
- Watch that first step , it's a doozy
Chef Ramsay's Best Recipe Ever is a Real Panty-Dropper
- He likes his birds popular and wet!
'Jingle Bells' Entirely From Office Equipment
- One of the coolest holiday jingles ever, using nothing...
20 TV Theme Songs In 2 Minutes
- A mash up all of the theme songs from your favorite TV...
Biggest Overreaction To A Tackle Ever
- This takes flopping to a whole new level.
Dog Interrupts Live Weather Report
- He always wanted to be on TV, and this was his chance!
Contractor Takes A Break To Rub One Out
- Hey, they don't call him a "handy man" for nothing...
Police Caught Lying At Sobriety Checkpoint
- These cops chase down people who avoid the checkpoint...
Insane Amount Of Fireworks Set Off At Once
- A street festival with an intense grand finale!
Dad Hilariously Narrates Son's X-Box Voice Commands
- Is there is more than meets the eye with his son's...
The Legend Of Rainbow Man
- Rainbow Man must find a way to save the world from...
How To Cook A Shrimp In 3 Seconds
- Fire them out of an air cannon and into the flames!
How The "Floor Piano" Shoul Be Played
- These employees are officially awesome!
The TSA Hologram Is Kind Of Creepy
- At least it can't strip-search you.
Turkey Day Classic: Psycho Kid Ruins Thanksgiving...
- I guess you could say the son really turned the tables...
Hot Twins Ask Regular Guys To Have A Threesome
- How would you react when approached with this...
The Problem With Using Skype on Live TV
- I think there is something behind you.
When You're Drunk And Trying To Get Someone's Attention
- Hey... hey... HEEEEYYY! (Loud Volume)
Drunk Skater's Pool Slide Trick Fail
- A not-so-sober skater takes a painful slam into the...
Turkey Day Classic: Pregnant Thanksgiving Turkey Prank
- This girl gets upset when she thinks she cooked a...
Man Admits To Arson On Live TV
- Upset over the condition of the house, he admits to...
Parrots Argue Like An Old Married Couple
- Watch as they hilariously argue back and forth
Jurassic Park Meets Ace Ventura
- A hilarious mashup from Jurassic Park and Ace Ventura.
Canadian Hockey Fans Finish Singing The US National...
- After some technical difficulties that caused the mic...
Impressions of Celebrities Stuck in Traffic
- Spot on impressions of celebrities if they were stuck...
NFL Player Quits To Become A Farmer
- He gave up millions of dollars to do something...
eBaum's Picks