Christina Aguilera Nails Britney Spears Impression
- Fallon challenges Christina to a game of random...
Media videos
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Littly Baby Laughs Like A Troll
- I can't tell if it's cute, funny, or just kind of...
How To Count Cards In Blackjack
- Counting cards in Blackjack isn't as hard as it looks!
How Well Do Energy Drinks Really Work?
- Let's put those sugary energy drinks to the test!
11 Epic Facts About Lefties
- Oprah And Ned Flanders are both left-handers.
The Weirdest Coincidences Ever
- Proof that eating cheese is related to bedsheet death!
Snowplow Cat Coming Through
- Just wait for it!
12 Evil Pranks Taken To The Next Level
- Sometimes people take things too far...
Space Jam Dunk Wins Dunk Competition
- Zach LaVine goes old school at the 2015 Sprite...
Red Hot Nickle Ball vs. Rubik's Cube
- That poor cube didn't stand a chance!
Fireworks And Blondes Don't Mix
- Luckily none of these lovely ladies were injured.
Russian Airport Security Check Point Has Gone Too Far
- Meanwhile in Russia...
Biker Accidentally Scares The Crap Out Of Red Light...
- I think the driver is a little over-dramatic.
Steven Yeun & Conan Visit A Korean Spa
- Conan and The Walking Dead's Glenn visit an authentic...
20 Crazy Things People Have Tried To Carry On Planes
- Some people just don't have any common sense.
Reckless Idiot Spotted Driving In Town
- This idiot is driving, on his phone, and on a laptop...
Dr. Phil Without Dialogue Is Just A Bizarre Staring...
- Somebody removed all the words and left only the...
Girlfriend Takes A Paintball To The Booty
- Something tells me he's going to be sleeping on the...
Madman Brings Grand Theft Auto To Life
- This chase has wrong-way driving, an accident, and...
Evolution On Earth In 60 Seconds
- Long story short, we're pretty new around here.
Awesome LED Costume On Moscow Subway
- I wonder how many seizures this outfit has caused...
How Australians Deal With Terrorism
- They're not scared, they've got Damo on their side.
Russia's Finest Mechanic At Work
- This guy clearly has no idea what he's doing.
Referee In Real Life Prank Ends In Arrest
- Tom Mabe is at it again, this time calling penalties...
Sometimes You Just Have To Wait For It...
- Don't be hasty in your decisions... Not all surprises...
9 Facts That Will Boggle Your Mind
- In 1938 Hitler was Time's "Man Of The Year".
Esurance's Breaking Bad Commercial
- Here are your drugs, I mean pharmaceuticals...
Shopping While Black in Alabama
- Racist store owner follows a black guy around his...
13 Pet Portraits That'll Make You Cringe
- How does something so cute become so awkward?!
Spicy Japanese Cracker Review (GRAPHIC)
- Guy eats and reviews some Japanese crackers.
Easiest Way To Ruin A New Motorcycle
- I hope his insurance policy covers that!
Bicycle Base Jump Doesn't Go As Planned
- The jump comes up a little short and he slams into the...
Go Daddy Super Bowl Ad That Got Pulled
- Apparently the network executives didn't want to upset...
Just Surf the Net!
- A musical tribute to the internet's golden age: the...
I'm Just Here So I Won't Get Fined - REMIX
- He's just there so he won't get fined. Why would you...
I'm Just Here So I Won't Get Fined - REMIX
- He's just there so he won't get fined. Why would you...
Facts That Will Give You The Creeps
- Now that's freaky!
How To Instantly Fail Your Motorcycle License Test
- The biker can't do a "u-turn" and ends up crashing...
Snow Plow Does Donuts During Broadcast
- Glad to see the government is taking this blizzard...
Proposal is Shut Down by Fierce Girlfriend
- She's clearly not having any of that!
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