BREAKING: 3 Police Killed in Baton Rouge, 7 Wounded
- Here is a video a man driving from church shot from...
Media videos
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DMCA - Rare Pokemon Causes Stampede In The Streets
- A large flock of Pokemon GO players chase after a...
MMA Fighter Throws Pokeball At Knocked Out Opponent
- Pokemon fever is fully upon us all.
The Onion's Head Film Critic Peter Rosenthal Reviews...
- If you're thinking of seeing this movie you should...
Orangutans Grope Woman As She Poses For Pictures
- Can you really blame them?
Woman's Cringeworthy Music Video Is Beyond Racist
- Titled "I Want To be NEENJA". The look on that Asian...
Man Has A Gigantic Booger Surgically Removed
- Warning: Gross. Definitely the biggest booger you'll...
Baby Mirrors ROCKY Training Montage
- This kid is going to break some hearts and some noses.
NASA Live Stream Captures UFO And Cuts Off Stream
- Video of a UFO shot by the International Space Station...
What Having HUGE Balls Looks Like
- Holy shit!
This Woman is FED UP with Pokemon Go
- She's tired of being harassed on the job about Pokemon.
Rich Dude Ghost Rides His $135,000 Ski Boat
- And he still has no friends.
Shrek's Albino Brother Reminds Us To Enjoy The Little...
- Actually, he looks like a shrek-sized Verne Troyer.
Little Girl Spoofs Mathew McConaughey's Lincoln...
- This little girl nails it!
Buster Posey Throws A Perfect Toss Back To A...
- It's like living in a video game!
DMCA - Woman Captures The Instant Her Apartment...
- She noticed a crack in her ceiling a few days ago...
How To Open A Beer Like A Quarterback
- Preseason football is right around the corner!
Instant Justice For Two of the Dumbest Crooks Ever
- Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb attempt to break into a...
One Extremely Crappy Elevator Ride
- Drunk guy on an elevator poops himself.
Glass Skateboarding Session Ends Just As You'd Expect
- This could bring a whole new meaning to the term...
Baiting Woman Filming Pisses Off The Wrong Uber Driver
- Just go into the hospital lady!
Possessed Keyboard Player Steals The Show
- She takes a minute to summon the dark lord during her...
Hang Gliding Accident Caught From Above
- We saw the ground footage the other day. Now let's...
Opening A 2015 Russian Mountain Ration 24hr MRE
- A review of what Russian special forces (Spetsnaz)...
How Hackers Use "Social Engineering" To Gain Access To...
- If you think your information is safe, guess again.
Neckbeard Instantly Regrets Playing Russian Roulette...
- Idiot aims firework at his face and tries very hard...
Custom T-Shirt Shop Leaves Message For Kid Who Orders...
- What do you think, unprofessional?
Mom Reacts To Watching Rap Videos With Her Son
- "This is just not wrong" Listen you your mom kid!
UFO Drops Off An Alien In Saudi Arabia
- You decide on this one. Real UFO? Military Vehicle?...
This Guy Knows How To Deal With Dumpster Divers
- Don't dig throw another man's trash.
Taking a Tour of the Marina When...
- Awesome moment a Humpback whale breaches the surface...
Two Idiots Race To See Who Can Drink A Fifth Of Patron...
- A $500 bet to see who can finish the bottle first.
Birthday Clown Turned Magician Accidently Sets Dove On...
- Little Pablo never forgot his 7th birthday.
How To Catch A Razor Fish
- Now you know.
Woman Pepper Sprays Disrespectful Teen
- Don't get up in this woman's face!
Sleeping Crackhead Woken Up By Polar Bear
- Just another day in Russia...
10 Unexplained Photos That Will Creep You Out
- These photos have survived through the years as a...
Mega-Douche KeemStar "SWATS" A Youtuber
- Seems like a great way to get your ass thrown in jail.
Young Hobbyist Builds A 200 Watt Laser
- Looking into this laser would be 33 million times more...
Amazon Echo Turns Off After Being Asked A Question...
- This voice activated Bluetooth speaker is afraid of...
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