Terrifying Moment When Corpse Of Child Saint Opens Her...
- This child saint that died 300 years ago suddenly...
Media videos
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Things Get A Bit Awkward When Some Of Youtube's...
- You know something isn't right when you walk around in...
Crazy Biker Rides On The Wall Of A Cliff
- This dude has a death wish.
A Real-life BMW Transformer Built By Turkish Engineers
- Letrons, a company in Turkey made this driveable BMW...
Wannabe Magician Gets Owned By Nephew
- Someone's magical powers aren't all they cracked up to...
This Russian Music Video Is A WTF Fest
- Skip to 0:30 for the real magic.
Goalie Stomps On Players Back After Getting Red Card
- He must be tired of all the theatrics in the game...
Huge RC Jet Disintegrates In Mid-Flight
- The Jet breaks apart while in the air, resulting in a...
Pen Pineapple Apple Pen Is The New Gangnam Style
- A WTF ad that has been making its rounds on the...
The 'Most Awkward TV Moment Guy' Breaks His Own Record...
- This poor guy's awkward attempt just leaves everyone...
Woman Plunges To The Ground After Her Bungie Isn't...
- The woman lived luckily by landing in a small pool....
The Scariest Debt Collector In the UK
- Shaun Smith is the face you'll see if you don't pay...
This Is A $21K First Class Ticket From Dubai To NYC
- Let's just say you won't just have a fish and meat...
Top 10 Stars That Are A Nightmare On Set
- These divas are really difficult to work with.
5 Creepy And Terrifying Sounds Recorded During War
- From ambient souls to buzzing bombs, war can produce...
I Thought Door Locks Are Supposed To Protect You?
- This Hotel's door locking mechanism doesn't appear to...
Flashback to This Legend and His Cure for the Common...
- I enjoy a good bowl of chili. Much like the kid in...
A Compilation Of Joe Biden Being Creepy
- Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, Joe Biden is coming over...
Pokemon Go Player Gets Sucker Punched And Robbed On...
- Damn, these streets are ruthless.
A Flaming Butthole Awaits America, Warns TV Pastor
- This man is doing the Lord's work?
This Woman Is One Of The Last "Shark Whisperers"
- She has more balls than most men.
Woman Calls Out Man For Claiming He's Rocking 9 Inches
- She knows what 9 inches looks like!
20 Movie Scenes You Never Want To Watch With Your...
- These sexy and wtf scenes should be saved for private...
Hilarious 'Cholo-Fit' Will Get You Super Ripped!
- "Ah esé feel that burn!"
Anyone Else Remember 1992 Era Howard Stern?
- A clip from back in the day with a guest appearance by...
Sinkhole Causes 200 Million Gallons Of Radioactive...
- A fertilizer plant's storage pond emptied it's...
This 8-Year-Old Girl Is The Youngest To Ever Skate In...
- This little girl shreds way harder than you ever could.
The Most WTF Video You'll See Today
- Seriously, WTF is happening to us as a species?
Groomsman Gets Trapped In An Elevator Before Wedding...
- "I knew I should have taken the stairs!"
What Its Really Like Being A "White Knight"
- If you stand up for women they will get down with you!
Couple Amazingly Catches The Moment A Train Colliding...
- These two were more concerned about getting a good...
The Story Of Mass Murderer David Burke And How He...
- The true story of how a disgruntled employee killed...
Man Can't Pay Child Support Because He Died In A Car...
- I wish the news was always this entertaining!
10 Weird And WTF Things Found Growing Inside People
- It's not just gas building up inside that stomach . . .
Guy Pops Out a Salivary Stone And it's Beyond WTF
- It's like a Kidney stone, in your tongue! **Squeamish...
Chick Starts Her Week Off With a Blast
- Her co-workers wondered why she is always so ...
This Woman Just Can't Stop Taking Ass Pics
- Hey, sometimes getting just the right angle makes all...
Cop Hits Biker With Car Then Spartan Kicks Him In The...
- Dashcam captures a police officer delivering a bit of...
When Your Buddy Is Mad At You...
- Don't get out and use the bathroom!
Possessed Ladder Walks On Out Its Own!
- When the angle is just right, that is.
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