Guy Leaves His Dad With The Beatmaker App And Returns...
- Rumor has it several big rappers have already...
Media videos
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Just a Typical Day Working at Hot Topic...
- A customer with a few screws loose rambles on about...
Watch This Woman Get Struck By Lightning At The Beach
- 25 year old Sao Paulo resident, Taline Campos, was...
MMA Fighter Uses A Faceplant Knockout Technique
- Damn son, you got knocked the f**k out!
Trey Parker's Daughter Hilariously Recording Ike's...
- This kid is going to grow up to be absolutely...
Idiot Flips Off Biker Trying To Help Him
- What begins as an act of kindness ends with revenge.
Guy Pranks His Dad In A Very Funny Way
- "You tore your whole house apart!"
15 Crazy Paranormal Events Caught On Tape
- CCTV footage catches what possibly lurks after we pass...
A Clear Sign Your Bose Bluetooth Speaker is NOT Legit
- Always buy from the manufacturer or at least a ...
NBA Player Chinanu Onuaku Sinks His FIRST Foul Shots,...
- Chinanu Onuaku surprises everyone when he tosses up...
What Happens When You Light 10,000 Sparklers
- Damn those things put off some serious flames!
Girl Has Bizarre Spaz Attack Over Her New IPhone
Super Smart Kid Made A VR Headset In 1993
- Using and NES, a busted little t.v. and a Sony...
Girl Chokes Out Guy To Cure His Hiccups
- Seems a bit excessive, but does it work?
The Very Real Dangers Of Sleeping In A Wood Shop
- Pay attention so this doesn't happen to you!
How To Chalk Your Hands in a VR Climbing Game
- The "apply chalk to your hands" method seems...
The Best Suction Cup Dildo Toss Ever Recorded
- We give him an 8 on the throw, but a 10 on the landing.
Safety Gloves That Will Rock Your World
- These safety gloves can withstand nails, hammers,...
Guy Gets Stung By World's Most Painful Ant
- Coyote Peterson gets stung by a Bullet Ant.
Badass Female Store Clerk Doesn't Tolerate Shoplifting
- This feisty employee isn't playing around when it...
Selling Pounds Of Marijuana While Driving for Uber...
- Watch how people react when their Uber Driver does a...
Suspect Tries To Car Surf To Escape During Police Chase
- He could have made it if his pants weren't falling...
Video Proof The World is Full Of Terrible Drivers
- So many cars, so many crashes. Everyone needs to go...
Guy Records Himself Sleep Talking For An Entire Year...
- This guy has some strange shit on his mind!
This "Educational Playground" is The Creepiest Thing...
- What a horrifying way to learn about human anatomy!
Guy Smokes A 2.7 Gram Dab By Himself
- This dude lets his Instagram followers decide how big...
Make A Wish Kid Gets Denied By A**hole Player
- Apparently, a member of the opposing team didn't get...
This Hood Parade Goes From Zero To Sixty
- You've never seen your favorite kids characters turn...
McDonald's FAIL: Holiday Cup Turned Into BUTT CHEEKS
- Did McDonald's just hit us with a SFW version of...
WTF? Virus Causes Starfish To Rip Themselves Apart
- Damn nature, you're just all kinds of f**ked up,...
Asshole Pastor In Texas Yells "There Is No Santa...
- There's a special place in hell for breaking...
Instant Karma For This Road Raging Asshole Giving The...
- While of course we don't know the whole story, we do...
MMA Fighter Andrew Whitney Punches A Ring Girl After...
- At Titan Fighting 42, Andrew Whitney was so unhappy...
Have You Ever Held A Propane Bubble?
- Students in this chemistry class pass them around for...
Guy Miraculously Escapes A Hitman In Amsterdam
- This is like some real life James Bond shit right here!
Sleezy Instagram Model Makes Deal To Take 13-Year-Old...
- Model Aliana Gonzalez, agreed to have sex with a young...
Dog Destroys Cute Little Kitty
- A harsh introduction to a cold winter.
Sewage Truck Filled To The Brim Hits Car And Explodes
- This occurred in Brisbane, Australia on December 2nd....
Woman Forgets Parking Brake And Crashes Millon Dollar...
- This woman in a parking garage forgot to pull the...
Minecraft Kid Asks A Question We Wish We Could All...
- This poor lil guy was either crushed by a girl, or...
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