Crazy Russian Kids Set An Exposed Gas Main On Fire...
- Just another day in Mother Russia!
Media videos
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Man Filming On His iPad Gets Destroyed By A Bull
- They should let this bull loose at every concert to...
Footage From Today's Shooting At A Congressional...
- Today at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia, ...
Awesome Grandpa Rocking Out To Metallica In Traffic
- Hopefully, we can all be like this guy when we get...
Crazy Video From A Panamanian Jail Cell
- Gang members locked up in a Panamanian prison show off...
Guy Choked Out For Bringing Meme Signs To A Protest
- When the protesters don't appreciate your Alt-Right...
United Airline Employee Knocks 71 Year Old Man To The...
- More aggression out of the employees at "America's...
5 UFOs Caught On Tape Around Area 51
- Area 51 for years has been the home to many conspiracy...
The Floor Is Lava Game Claims Another Victim
- The childhood game has made its resurgence as it...
10 Disturbing Documentaries You Should Never Watch
- Documentaries can be informative and fun, but these...
Bicycle Thief Gets A Permanent Lesson In Karma
- He got caught stealing from a tattoo artist, so they...
Excited Dog Runs Face First Into Owner's Truck
- All he wanted was that damned frisbee!
The Chilling Video of Kala Brown's Rescue From Serial...
- Recently released video of Kala Brown being rescued...
"Leaked" Footage of Richard Hammond's Devastating Crash
- Footage of devastating crash that had Hammond...
Why You Shouldn't Let The Movers Load Up Your Classic...
- Mover screws up while moving a beautiful 1965 mustang.
Girl's Sexy Morning Routine Will Light Your Fire!
- Remember, breakfast is the most important meal!
Weird Chick Is Cringe Fuel For Your Spank Bank
- I have the weirdest boner right now.
Seinfeld Explains Why He Refused Kesha's Hug
- Jerry doesn't hug strangers, and who can blame him.
Robbery Suspect Killed During An Insane Stand-Off With...
- **Warning: Graphic** One police officer and a...
One Driver's Ridiculous Roundabout Fail
- in his defense... those things are confusing as hell!
Guy Gets Attacked By Huge Shark While Spearfishing
- While on vacation one man had a terrifying encounter...
Injured 15ft Great White In 3ft Of Water
- This incredible footage was taken off the coast of...
Abducted Woman Whispers For Help On Chilling 911 Call
- The operator stayed with her until police arrived and...
Century Old Method For Making Rope Is Incredibly...
- This is how rope was made for hundreds of years.
Instagram Model Caught Using Fake Weights
- Gracyanne Barbosa, a Brazilian Instagram model squats...
10 Weird Facts About Notorious Serial Killers
- Some of the world's most notorious killers had a...
15 House Repair Hacks You Should Definitely Know
- Little tricks that can turn the nightmare of home...
Construction Workers Deal With Guy Stealing From Job...
- This guy thought this was going to be an easy grab and...
Man Does Insane Upside Down 'Moonwalk' On Jungle Gym
- This guy has to have some insane upper body strength!
Horrifying Eye Witness Report From Tonight's Terror...
- This man saw multiple people get stabbed by 3 men near...
Crazy Woman Loses Her Sh*t During Bond Hearing
- Damn girl, lay off the hard drugs!
Guy Walks Around New York In A Romper And Films...
- He is definitely a brave soul!
This Kid Has An Unlimited Supply Of Swag
- He goes into full swagmode like no one is looking!
Family Livestreams A Drunk Driver Crashing Into...
- This family could have prevented a car accident, but...
Here's Johnny, Coming To Collect The Rent!
- The crazy boyfriend of the landlord smashes down the...
Do Honeybees Really Die When They Sting You?
- Let's put it to the test!
This Soccer Player Takes Flopping To A Theatrical Level
- We have all heard of milking an injury, but come on...
Poltergeist Activity Recorded On CCTV In Parking Lot
- Crazy shopping cart moves by itself.
5 Creepiest & Most Chilling Videos Caught In Real Life
- Chilling videos from home movies to videos being shot...
5 Disturbing Photos With Horrific Backstories
- A picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes...
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