Genius Intentionally Shoots Himself in the Face with a...
- At least he wore safety goggles... Don't try this at...
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Neckbeard Instantly Regrets Playing Russian Roulette...
- Idiot aims firework at his face and tries very hard...
Badass Roman Candle Minigun
- This bad boy fires 1001 shots in about 45 seconds. ...
INSANE Toilet Paper Prank
- Howie Mandel has a HUGE mess to clean off his house...
Guy Adds Roman Candle Rockets To Drone
- Guy chases his "friend" with a heavily armed...
Orphanage Robbery Prank
- A "robbery" leaves this orphanage with brand new...
Kicking A Box Of Kittens Prank
- How will people react when they see someone kicking a...
Bong Prank On The Cops
- VitalyzedTV hits a bong out in public, right in front...
Korean Riot Cops Ancient Roman Tactics
- Riot police in South Korea fend off rioters with...
Gypsy Wedding Fireworks Fail
- Lighting off fireworks indoors is always a good idea!
Exploding Turkey Prank
- Roman Atwood serves his family a turkey that really...
Hilarious Crazy Seagull Prank
- The Dudesons throwing popcorn near sunbathers on the...
Epic Roman Candle Nutshot
- The crew decided to have a little fun taking target...
Prank: Does My Nose Look Broken?
- A funny prank involving "fixing" your broken nose....
The Ultimate "Fight Me" Prank
- Tom Mabe and Roman Atwood and sets some bystanders up...
When Fireworks Go Wrong
- If you're not going to be responsible with your...
Roman Candle to the Head
- Boom! Headshot!
Roman Candle Fight
- What do two idiots with fireworks do? Shoot them at...
eBaum's Picks