Girl Wipes Out On Bike
- She's all washed up!
Media videos
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Fenway Park Spartan Race Accidental Kick To The Face
- That's what you get for being nice!
Dumb Ways To Die Compilation
- Videos for the ways to die in the song!
The Female Orgasm Law (NSFW Audio)
- If this law ever passes you're screwed. Or so your...
Toronto Mayor Falls Pretending To Be A QB
- Rob Ford goes down like a sac of potatoes!
Kid's Funny Reaction To Cheerleader
- He was busy eyeing that candy when suddenly....
A Very Hipster Thanksgiving
- I watched this today...before it got too mainstream.
The Perfect Guide To Holiday Etiquette
- Everything you need to know about holiday etiquette.
Trust Fall Double Head Buster
- Looks like Santa brought them skull fractures for...
Norway vs. USA
- Size really does matter!
Checking The Loft Fail
- The things husbands do for their wives.
Killer Karaoke - Head Case
- A woman tries to finish a song while dealing with...
How To Insta-Fail Your Driving Test
- She did find the road at least...
Dramatic Mugshot
- Call an ophthalmologist if you see this guy!
Zombie Prank Gone Wrong
- Have fun explaining that to your car insurance company!
Russian Kid Jamming At The Store
- Mom seemed a little embarrassed there!
Best Black Ops 2 Review Video Ever
- That's some expensive styrofoam!
Truck Blows Up During Tug-O-War
- The fire retardant wife-beater shirt kept him from...
Latest In Russian Aircraft Landing Technology
- Meet the Rubber Curtain.
The Drunk Karaoke Incident
- Wait for it...
Peyton Manning's Embarrassing Slide
- Even his teammates give him some flack about it.
How to Get Through Checkpoints Quickly
- A genius idea to make quick work of those pesky...
Stoners Call 911
- People who decided to take that one extra hit suffer...
Yo-Yo Trick Gone Wrong
- He walked-the-dog... right into his left eye!
Hammerhead Fail
- An idiot pounds on a rock with a hammer until it...
Tar and Feather Nutshot Prank
- Adding insult to injury!
When Scare Pranks Go Wrong
- Well, that escalated quickly...
WayBack WHENsday: Possessed Toaster
- A segment from 1984 features a family that claims to...
Gandalf The Sheep
- You shall not pass!
Grandpa's Reaction to Sour Warhead
- His first time trying the sour candy.
Volleyball Takes Out Player And Spectator
- After hitting the player, the ball trips up a student.
Hilarious Little League Umpire
- Harry Highpants takes his job seriously! Created by...
Farting in the Park Prank
- An Italian guy pranks people by farting on them.
Bizarre High School Play Of The Week
- A bear hug catch for the hand-off and touchdown!
Funny Victory Dance
- Gangnam Style Ping Pong Adam Bobrow
Old Man Does Impressive Accent
- Spot on, gangsta.
Booby Trapped Doorway
- Double whammy!
Another Treadmill Stunt Gone Wrong
- If there is a camera and a treadmill, there will be...
The Wrong Way To Disconnect The Pipe
- Worker gets washed away !
When Did This Become A Good Idea?
- That was a close one!
eBaum's Picks