Fluorescent Lights
- looks like fun
Media videos
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Court Gives Man POT
- Man wins court case and gets back 12 POUNDS of weed!
Japanese Baseball Fail
- ouch, head first trying to catch the ball
Pathetic Climbing Cat
- Your not even trying!
First DJ Battle
- That's old school!
1 Less Laptop
- little prick deserved it.
Trick Can Throwing
- bunch of guys with way too much time usually makes a...
The Coolest Prank Ever!
- That Would Freak Me Out
Pentagon Reports Army Mascot 'Liberty' Killed in Iraq
- Appointed by Bush in 2003 to distract from the horrors...
Aerobicize Workout
- This workout get your abs in shape........Seriously!
School Bullies Go Way Too Far Pranking This Kid
- It probably should have stopped at induced vomiting...
Miss Pole Dance 2009 Felix Cane Gives An Encore
- Now that song finally has real meaning to it.
Can You Fly Billy?
- No Billy can't...
Crazy Laugh
- Dying pig meets Tasmanian devil.
Starship Enterprise Destroyed by the Death Star
- What can you say? San Francisco's cracking down on...
Funny Reporter
- A BBC reporter tests intravenous THC. You can't help...
Dog Humps Grandma's Leg
- Wayback WHENsday: Just stop, stare, and laugh......
Black Sabbath Fan Goes Nuts
- Fan flips out at Heaven and Hell signing. Thank God...
Don't Drink and Bike
- I hope he found a designated peddler.
Man Driving 75 mph While Reading Novel
- Talking on the Cell, tweeting and texting are illegal...
Sunroof Fail
- This guy learns that it's not safe fapping if you have...
Baby Girl with 2 Crocodiles
- must have taped their mouths shut....
The 69 "Price Is Right" For Gynecologist Steelers Fan
- Have your Steelers fans spayed or neutered?....lol
Shaq and His Donuts
- Shaq wrestles with his Krispy Kreme addiction. Can he...
Homemade Wolverine Claws
- Now he's cool!
Absoulety No Asians
- This fella does not like Asians, and this reporter is...
Bird Rolls Himself in a Napkin
- This Little Guy Wants To Get Smoked!
Cinco De Mayo Fail
- Drunk Guy Can't Stand Up. Even the dog thinks he's a...
Arnold Schwarzeneggers Other Japanese Comercial
- Told ya it gives you tumors.
Epic Beer Pong Shots
- I bet they can't do it twice...
Kid Rocks Out
- this kid is rocking out and doesn't even know he is...
Easter Mishap
- Sometimes Crucifictions don't go as they planned!
Coal Dust Explosion
- wow.
Tasered Nuts
- Hopefully now this dumbass can't reproduce.
Cincinnati's Own Superhero
- look out gothem city, look out new york....cincinnati...
Crazy Sports Moments When Fans Gets Involved
- Gotta love the fans.
Shepherd Smith Drops F-Bomb on Live TV
- His expression of "oops," when he realizes what he...
The Sad Robot
- This Dancer Is insane and tells a sad story of guns, a...
Marriage Proposal Gone Wrong on Stage
- Yet another Proposal gone wrong in front of thousands...
Weirdest Japanese Commercial
- Put this guy on Heroes....lol
eBaum's Picks