Best Staredown EVER!!!!
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Deadlift Fail
- Guy attempts to deadlift 330 lbs and has a hilarious...
Crazy Truck Driver
- so he tries to pass a car and a truck and takes about...
Mariah Carey's Drunk Acceptance Speech
- I think someone has had one too many....
Brutal Death Metal Rooster
- LOL...is this real?
Home Alone Recut
- The epic battle with a kid left alone and some...
Pow! Dad Creates Superhero Lunches
- A Nebraska father sends his son to school every day...
The Mind Break
- Either this dude breaks boards with his mind or a good...
Epic .gif Compilation
- a compilation of .gifs on an epic scale!
World Record Dive Into Kiddie Pool
- Let's see him do that with a kiddie pool sitting...
The Most Useless Machine EVER!
- you better not try to turn it on, it wont like it
Worst Names Ever To Name Your Child
- Sit here if you're waiting for "Marijuana."
Tiny Gallon Breaks Backboard
- a once in 20 years event! I love these
Hot Sexy Willing Momma In Short Shorts DTF
- Original Title: Hot Girl Back Flip Gone Bad
Grown Man Hits Teenage Girl at McDonald's
- ...and everyone just stands around doing nothing!
Guy Gets Run Over
- Icy roads cause a car to go out of control and run...
Drugs With Your Happy Meal?
- Two McEmployees were arrested after getting caught...
On-Board Jet Boat Crash
- The boat goes out of control and almost takes out a...
Fatty Jumps Into a Frozen Lake
- Luckily, the fat kept him afloat
Never a Year Like '09
- JibJab's take on 2009
All Girl Mosh Pit
- This is just weird
Icy Road Fail
- Ice Skating for Cars
Teacher Smashes Hamster
- WARNING: This video shows hamsters being smashed!
Ridiculous Touchdown Run
- Run Wilder Run
Freestyle Battle Knock Out
- this is debatable, but its still cool
Cop Walks In On Robbery
- This cop just happens to walk in at the right moment....
Guy Gets Fired For Saying Bing Wrong
- Microsoft executive Steve Balmer fires a guy over not...
Epic Skater Stunt Mishap
- Maybe there was some cool stuff in that shed that he...
Awesome Cat Video Compilation
- This is the best of the best when it comes to cat...
The Carol of the Christmas Pickle
- A forgotten Christmas classic about the true meaning...
The Rooster Beatbox Solo
- She has mad skills, just hope you don't have to wake...
4-Year Old Gets Suspended For Having Long Hair
- this is absolutely ridiculous
Dryer vs. Sparkler Bomb
- Never knew sparklers could be so cool
Woman Crashes Helicopter
- A Swiss woman crashes an emergency helicopter while...
Richard Pryor In 2001 A Space Odyssey
- Richard Pryor shares his experiences with Hal while on...
Amazing Car and Engine Sounds
- And this dude just prooved he has no social...
Octopus Using Coconut Shells
- They're going to take over the world now
Cat Makes an Amazing Discovery
- I'll be impressed when it learns to wipe.
Guitar Hero Christmas Lights
- It was only a matter of time before someone came up...
The Worst Christmas Ever
- Does Chris Crocker have an extended family?
eBaum's Picks