5 Year Old Fires Up the Red Sox
- Joshua Sacco gives a hilarious rendition of a famous...
Media videos
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Steve Carell Does the UK Weather
- Steve Carell provides the weather forecast during a...
Drunkie Falls
- Splash!
Skateboard Nut Shot
- yes his penis is broken
Contestant Can't Add
- She needs to play more Blackjack......
I Just Won a Shitload of Money!
- Isn't live television the best?
Volleyball Spike To The Face
- I love instant replay.
Insane Girl Freaks Out at Airport
- Please call her parents so she'll shut the hell up!!
WayBack WHENsday: Dad Vs Skateboard
- Classic: Dad tries too look cool, but fails instead!
Girl Chair Jump Fail
- this dad knew exactly what he was doing
Surprise Kitten Pen Attack!
- penz bad. they will be eated.
Evil Twin
- This car really hates cats.
Stage Disappearing Act
- Next time, this guy should ditch the sunglasses before...
Elementary School Presents Scarface
- Hoax or not this is awesome.
Black Kid Gets Body Slammed
- Skinny guy picks up bigger classmate and slams him...
World's Luckiest Mailman
- Mailman gets out of his vehicle and leaves it in...
Burgertime Brawl
- he really wanted that cheeseburger...too bad he can't...
Grandma Poops in Public
- This old granny thinks it's perfectly ok to pinch a...
Lady Gets Caught Trying to Scam Court
- This was too funny. She presented her evidence of a...
Dog Eats Cop Car
- He just wanted some bacon
Stupid Guy Shows Off His Dog and Fails
- A not so bright dog plays with a ball with his even...
Snowboarding Trick Fail
- Now that's what i call a fail!
Undisputed Evidence of a UFO Sighting
- ........according to these news anchors.
Russians Fighting in Front of Porta Potti
- There are some hard hits between these guys.
Champagne Cork Nails Teenage Chick
- Teenage girl shakes a bottle of wine gets a facefull...
Auntie Driver Parking Fail
- with subtitles!
Truck Ramping Fail
- Some guy tries to ramp his stock Chevy and eats it bad
Star Wars Re-cut
- Han's inner thoughts
Seahorse Aquarium Birth Shock And Awe
- This seahorse gives birth to hundreds, in a small...
The 17 Year Life Cycle of the Cicada
- It's a little bit creepy, no bones about it.
New York Knicks Cheerleader Fail
- They're just as good as the actual team...
Baby Tells Mom to F*ck Off
- 1...2...f*ck off
Tortoise vs Dog
- This tortoise is not taking any crap from some stupid...
Pool Table Head Slam
- Guy whacks his head on a pool table when the bottom of...
Prinny the Cat That Wants to Get Out of the Water
- she could of gotten hurt .... i wish
Guitarist Fails at Looking Cool
- heavy metal band member has a stage fail
Girl Gets Knocked Out By Softball
Grandma Crashes Into Two Cars
- Old people should only be able to drive Hoverrounds
Philippines Got Talent
- Seriously, what the hell is that?
Cute Girl Gets Wet
- riding a bike makes her wet.
eBaum's Picks