Disgusting Mans Epic Beefer Sounds Like a Fast and the...
- This dudes guts are going zero to 60 in oh crap I just...
Media videos
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Burger King Features A Rotting Whopper in Bizarre Ad...
- Take that McDonald's!
Cruel Lady Pranks Her Boyfriend with Some Pudding and...
- I'd have just got it amputated at that point. A woman...
Lady Licks Doritos on the Bus Like an Absolute...
- ... But why though?!?
Woman Literally Has Pubic Hair Growing on Her Face...
- Daaaaamn that is rough. I didn't even think it was...
Exploding Cheese Burger Bun is an Unholy Food...
- I think we can all see why the exploding...
Dog's Reaction to Drinking Dirty Lake Water is Simply...
- Poor guy sounds like a bear or my grandpa coughing up...
First Cousins Get Married, Hope to Change Laws
- They definitely look like they're really in love......
How to be a Sh*tty Parent 101
- An oblivious couple sits their daughter on the bar...
There Was an Attempt for this Street Vendor to Wash...
- I think I'm gonna be sick.
Girl Gets Way, Way Too Friendly with Her Dog
- This is the definition of "WTF?!?!"
Gnarly Botfly Larvae Removal Will Make You Wince
- *Warning: Gross* Botflys are particularly gross...
Trashy Chick Caught Freshening Up in The Middle of...
- Oh I can smell that thing from here!
Company Makes Gross, Realistic Human Skins for Phones,...
- Finally, the perfect phone case for people who are...
The Trashiest Bride In The History Of Weddings
- Wow, I feel gross just watching this video.
Guy Sets up Security Cam to Catch Dog Who Keeps...
- This is absolutely gross on so many levels.
Suicidal Mouse Jumps into Deep Fryer at Whataburger in...
- Ok, who ordered the Mickey special, extra crispy?
Pest Control Veteran Cannot Believe the Infestation...
- When a stone cold veteran is shocked and appalled.
Homeless Man Brings Dead Raccoon Into McDonald's,...
- Pretty sure this violates the "No Outside Food" policy.
Pool Cleaner Gets Scarred For Life by a Dead Squirrel...
- A clumsy pool boy falls and drops a dead squirrel onto...
Officer Caught off Guard after Suspect Farts Right in...
- Oh that's just nasty bro... how about a warning next...
This Gnarly Tattoo Infection Is Like An Alien In This...
- Viewer discretion is advised. We don't know what the...
An Extremely WTF Spine Adjustment I Was Sure Killed...
- The look on her face makes me wonder if I'm missing...
Arizona Teacher Caught Sleeping With Her 13-year-old...
- A sixth-grade teacher in Arizona is accused of having...
UV Light Reveals The Unseen Splashback From Peeing...
- A whole generation of men will sit to pee now.
Cops Respond to a Call and Discover an Insanely...
- A dog is trapped inside the house and hiding under the...
QVC Caught Selling Moldy Food On Live TV
- A live broadcast from July 7th, 2019 caught QVC and...
Despicable Shopper Gargles Mouthwash and Spits it Back...
- Following suit of the Blue Bell Licker, this person...
Stoner Dude Inhales a Horrible Bong Rip
- What is this, salmonella sativa?
Wendy's Employee Takes a Very Unsanitary Bath
- In full attention seeking style, this guy thought it...
Pedophile Teacher Fired After Secret Video Shows Him...
- What, like who the hell does this guy think he is?
Old People React To Mortal Kombat 11 Fatalities
- You can watch the joy fade from their eyes.
Katy Perry Scratches An Itch and Takes A Sniff
- In all honesty, I'd probably do the same thing.
This School Pranked Their Students By Having Them Make...
- I don't know what kind of twisted game this school...
American Bigot Upset That Menu Items Are In Spanish At...
- Can't be surprised that people keep getting mad at...
Digusting "Fatberg" Found Clogging Up a London Sewer
- These poor bastards have to go down into the sweers...
Vaping vs Smoking Will Gross You the F Out
- They test the difference between smoking cigarettes...
Attractive Asian Street Performer Will Give You The...
- That will be a hard no, thank you.
Man Tased Trying to Have Sex With Car
- A Kansas man attempting to insert his penis into the...
Is This Cheese Plastic? Man Conducts Experiment
- This dude uses a lighter to prove that individually...
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