Lohan Gets 90 Days
- Cry you crazy hot slut.
Media videos
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That's Racist!
- Philli's new Black Panther leader advocates killing...
Rapper Gets Bitch Slapped
- Rapper Doogie B Get's Slapped While Freestyling In...
Who's The Real Man?
- you decide....
The 100 Greatest Movie Insults of All Time
- All of the best one-liners and savage insults from...
Rugby Punt To The Face
- that hit looked worse then some of the actually rugby...
G20 Riot Police Chicken Dance Hilarious
- The crowd is saying. "Whose streets? Our Streets!"
Epic Hot Chick in Bikini Prank
- Unsuspecting tanner gets wet.
Asian Basketball Punch Out
- Dude punches dude during foreign basketball game. No...
Idiot Takes Bentley Camping
- He has more money than brains.
If Someone Slips..
- He is going to end up in the fire. Thats right.
The Most WTF Commercial Ever Made
- I guess she read the replies to her comment on...
Horse Tramples Spectator
- A horse runs over a retarded spectator during a race.
Fat Dude Faceplants on Powerisers
- And flops.
Rage Aganist the Store
- Guy freaks out and has meltdown over closed store...
Black Guy Attempts To Steal Bike
- man you better leave, cause ima bout to beat you up.
Happy Fathers Day: Dad Life
- A classic music video about the awesomeness of...
Kid Caught Masturbating In School
- Asian kid in school goes fap fap fap.
No Lesbians Allowed in HS Yearbook
- We don't take kindly to fem who munch box!
70 Pound Punching Bag Owns Dude's Crotch
- For God's sake man, why?
Roof Jump Fail
- now you see him, now you don't!
Train Bridge Jump Faceplant
- its always a good idea to jump off a train bridge into...
Crazy Faced Dancer
- He should crazy dance on down to the dentist's...
Naked Rockband Mom
- Milf ruins three of life's great pleasures for her...
Guy Prefers Sex with Vacuum
- That one will rip your dick off.
Lakers Riot Breaks Out
- Riot police were called to The Staples Center in L.A....
Taiwanese Metro Pole Dance
- Do you know any other country with strippers...
Auto Tune Da Poo Poo
- It's smooth like ice cream.
The Most WTF Job Ever
- If you think your work sucks, what can you say about...
Woman Gets Punched by a Seattle Cop
- A dispute over jaywalking gets out of hand and a woman...
Kitten Freaks Himself Out
- a cute 6 week old kitten.
Luge Nut Shot
- Looks like he'll never get to have children
Swing Fail
- He was doing well...until the end.
Roommate Murder Plans
- He is trying to kill his roommate Greg.
Would-be Burglar Hit By Own Rock
- Wellington burglar gets instant karma.
Cheeseburgers The Objects of Conflict and Desire
- Stoner kid shanks mom to obtain a precious...
Paul Pierce Punches Ref in Face
- Ref gets beat.
Mizuka's Caturday Special 5
- Enjoy the Caturday song!
More McDrama
- "I ordered a four piece bitch!"
Cheek Flapper
- A dog day afternoon.
eBaum's Picks