Fast Punches
- CLASSIC: I have no clue how these guys stayed up...
Media videos
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Guest Punches Host
- This guest had enough of the loud mouth host.
Huge Hockey Fight
- One of the longest brawls I've ever seen.
Speaker Fight
- Being in politics is dangerous!
Fight with Weapons
- This guy gets nailed with a seven pound dildo.
NBA Brawl
- Here is the NBA brawl in case you missed it or want to...
Sucker Punch
- Sucker punch only begins to describe this dispicable...
Smack Down
- Kids, let this be a lesson to you. Don't eat cookies...
Prison Fight
- Prison guard takes a lickin but keeps tickin.
Pizza Parlor
- Who knew ordering a pizza could be this dangerous?
Police Station Brawl
- Three cops and a can of mace aren't enough to take...
Snitch Gets Beat Down
- Extreme Video. Mob of people beat down a snitch.
Jock Beat
- Watch out jocks! This guy is pissed.
Talk Show Rumble
- It's always fun to watch a bunch of people beat each...
The Hamburglar
- Whatever you do, DO NOT steal this guy's cheeseburger!
Man Hole Fall
- Poor guy was just trying to help...
Teacher Punched by Student's Mom
- CLASSIC: That escalated quickly.
Killer Cats
- These cats just don't get along.
Ultimate Cat Fighting
- Classic: Some creative dubbing makes this cat fight...
Courtroom Brawl
- Court Room brawl caught on tape.
Slap Contest
- I don't think I've ever seen a slap this hard.
WAYBACK WHENsday: Steal From Jeremiah
- CLASSIC: Do NOT steal from Jeremiah.
Strahan vs Arnold
- Michael Strahan and Tom Arnold get into a fight.
2 Second KO
- What a pitiful showing, knocked out in seconds!
Robot Fight
- The new rock'em sock'em robots!
Old Lawyer Fight
- They just can't get along.
Cat Fight
- Well.... she showed her.
Out of Hand
- This host obviously said something he shouldn't have.
Fight Club Recut
- This transforms Fight Club into a love story.
Shark Fight
- If only I can find a way to bet on this.
Sucker Punch
- We bet he didn't see that coming!!!
Drug Dealer Fight
- This guy keeps screaming for his friend to help.
Bus Beating
- This lady beats the crap out of a kid.
Octopus Vs Shark
- Classic: An octopus fights a shark.
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