Detroit Red Wings Fan's Videobomb Fail
- This guy's first fail of the new year was seen on...
Media videos
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Eye Of The Climber
- A rock climber at the gym decides to go for it all...
Woman Drops The F Bomb During Broadcast
- Interviews with drunks on live TV is always risky!
The Best Dog Vines of 2013
- A collection of the funniest and most favorited dog...
Cops Launch A Boat With Trailer
- The keystone cops attempt to go boating...
New Year's Eve: Expectations Vs. Reality
- There is no such thing as a perfect new year's.
Fireworks Fail Creates Amazing Show
- A malfunction during a firework show results in a wild...
The Best Fails Of 2013
- A MASSIVE collection of the best of fail!
Awkward Family Christmas Photos
- Don't let your Holiday family photos turn out like...
Surprise Soccer Ball To The Head
- An unsuspecting bystander takes a soccer ball to the...
First Time Feeding Ducks
- I thought they said ducks like bread?
Highest Rated Videos Of 2013
- The ten highest rated eBaum's World videos featured in...
Record Attempt: Jumping Through Glass
- Man attempts to break the record for going through 10...
Disturbingly Honest College Confessions
- You're paying 30K per year for this?
Waffles The Cat's Icy Fail
- Waffles almost became a pancake.
Skier Using a Kitewing Crashes Hard
- He'll have no problem looking for ice for that injury.
Multi Person Longboard Crash
- One racer has a wipeout and takes out two of his...
Real Sign Language Interpreter On Kimmel
- Jimmy Kimmel has an interpreter interpret the fake...
Surfer Survives Greatest Wipeout Ever
- Rudi Schwartz survives massive wipeout at Shipstern's...
Polaris ATV Crashes And Rolls Five Times!
- Dashcam footage of a nasty accident two riders had in...
Playing Classical Music On A Bellowphone
- The Hungarian Dance on an instrument that seems like...
Thief Sets Himself Ablaze Stealing Gas
- You probably shouldn't smoke when dealing with...
Bar Spin Ends Painfully
- These two kids didn't think this plan all the way...
Guy Caught Fondling Himself In Nightclub
- Tries to justify his handy work to security but is...
Dizzy Bat Spin Accidental Nutshot
- Don't expect a guy who is dizzy to have pinpoint...
Base Jumper Slams Into Mountainside
- A first person view of a painfully rocky ride to the...
Escalator Sliding Split Fail
- It looked good until he got to the end.. ouch!
Perfectly Timed Photos of 2013
- Amazingly timed pictures that may require a 2nd look!
Umpire Ends Game After Getting Hit
- They weren't happy with the his calls so they decided...
Biker's First Jump May Be His Last
- From the sound of it, he got more than just the wind...
ATV Rider Goes Head Over Heels
- The driver hit a bump and gets a face full of...
Idiot's Escalator Slide Ends Painfully
- He tries to slide down the railing but fails in front...
Chinese Restaurants Order From Each Other
- A funny pranking using the 'ole bait and switch method.
Crane Moving A Crane FAIL
- The Russians getting busy for the upcoming Olympics...
Zombie Scare Pool Prank Goes Wrong
- The man tries to run away, but slips and wipes out...
How NOT To Remove Ice From The Roof
- Someone's going to pay a lot of money for their...
You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!
- She wanted to shoot the gun, but the gun shot back!
Dirtbike Backflip Double Fail
- He bails on the move, and the bike slams into him to...
Pranksters Prank The Wrong Guy
- Some people at Walmart pick the wrong angry guy to...
The Day Barney Died
- Barney suffers a slow and tragic death during the...
eBaum's Picks