Brutal Fall Over Stair Railing
- ***GRAPHIC*** It's amazing that this inebriated girl...
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Idiot Tries To Speed Through Rush Hour Traffic
- And gets a dose of instant karma.
Guy Doesn't Realize His Girlfriend Fell Off
- Hold on, we're going home.
E-Cig Explodes In Bartender's Face
- An E-Cigarette plugged into iPad charger explodes.
Alex Trebek Got Called Out On Jeopardy!
- Maybe you can find out the names of the 8-year-olds...
Weightlifting Can Be Painful
- You need two things, a good spotter, and the proper...
Drunk Romanians Swing Old Lady Around
- An elderly woman screams in terror as she's swung...
Pinball Stuck Between Bumper And Kicker
- The perfect game was ruined by the "perfect" shot...
Such A Majestic Jump
- What an amazingly graceful creature.
Elderly Woman Drives Through A CVS
- She plowed through the front of a CVS narrowly missing...
Dude Faceplants On BMX Bike
- Face meet pavement, pavement meet face.
Double Backflip Flop
- The worst double backflip attempt in history.
The Best Border Checkpoint Refusal Video
- How all these stops should go. Know your rights...
The Greatest Guitar Shred Of All Time
- Guy plays the guitar for the camera and ends up with...
Japanese Rugby Player's Swan Dive Fail
- Japanese Rugby fails horribly at an embarrassing bomb.
Little Kid's Stair Surfing Ends Painfully
- Mom and dad probably should have said no to this...
Lamborghini Aventador Crash In London
- This car was too much to handle for this driver.
Drunk Russian Bunk Bed Fail
- I've been too drunk to go to bed, but never too drunk...
A Raven Seeks Help From Humans
- This bird lets a woman pull porcupine quills from his...
These Trees Don't Like Being Shot At
- Some trees shoot back.
First Marijuana Experience Freakout
- College Bro smokes pot for the first time and thinks...
When Remodeling Goes Wrong...
- A simple facelift of a building turns into a miniature...
Teddy Bear Pug Prank Gone Wrong
- He literally scared the crap out of his dog.
Road Rage Ends With Instant Karma
- After flipping her off, this guy makes an even bigger...
Russian Drives SUV Over Frozen Lake
- I think Boris and his buds immediately regretted this...
Guy Attempts to Break Into Police Station
- The Derp is strong with this one.
Human Slingshot Stunt Ends Painfully
- This guy receives an unexpected nutshot while...
Sex World Records
- These heroes make the world a better, sexier place.
Drunken Bull Fighting Fail
- Just In: Alcohol and Bulls do NOT mix.
German Shepherd's Slow Motion Fail
- When jumping for the ball goes wrong...
Glass-Banging Hockey Fan Knocked Down
- A fan pounding on the glass is knocked back into the...
Ice Skating Faceplant
- This guy tries to pull a smooth move but ends up...
Forklift Driver Wets Himself
- Probably not in the way you were thinking...
World Record MMA Knock Out
- This is how you end a fight in 1.1 seconds...
Skater Falls Into Death Pit
- Professional skater Willy Akers gets eaten alive.
Parkour Wall Jump Ends Painfully
- He calls this trick "The Nut Cracker".
Prison Vs. School
- Is there really that much of a difference?
"Deez Nuts" Joke On The Peoples Court
- People still falling for Deez nuts Jokes...
Pierced Tongue Prank!
- They fake getting a tongue ring stuck in a soda can,...
Man Faceplants Full Speed Into Glass Door
- Oy Ve' it knocked his Yarmulke clean off.
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