Latest 'Wheel of Fortune' Disaster Is Hilariously Hard...
- These contestants must not have put on their thinking...
Media videos
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Joy Behar Complains Ukraine Crisis Jeopardizing...
- During a segment of The View today, longtime host Joy...
Roller Blader Gets Laid Out by Skater at Park Who...
- After pulling off an impressive jump and palm tree...
Angry Karen Interrupts Comedy Show and Refuses to...
- Karen's love making themself the center of attention,...
Angry Karen Interrupts Comedy Show and Refuses to...
- Karen's love making themself the center of attention,...
Snoop Dogg and Kevin Hart React to the 'Island Boys'
- Two goofballs in a pool pretty much sums them up...
Hooters' Girls Expose How They Must Pay For Their...
- Did you know that Hooter's girls have to pay for their...
Guy Stumbles Upon Catalytic Converter Thieves in...
- He was just driving through the neighborhood and...
Alleged Escort and Her John Get Maced by IRL Streamer
- Karen and you shall receive.
Trucker Refuses to Be Victim, Absolutely Destroys...
- A group of armed robbers thought to stop a car on the...
Snoop Dogg Gets Heat For Putting Uber Eats Driver On...
- A recent video showing Snoop Dogg calling out an Uber...
Brittany Renner Stands Her Ground Against...
- This dude looked like he wanted to run for the hills,...
Pennsylvania Skier Is Straight-up Not Having a Good...
- In a promotional video for Seven Springs Mountain...
Impatient Biker Gets an Asphalt Sandwich after Weaving...
- Even in places where lane splitting is legal, it's not...
Elon Musk's Tunnel System Sounds Great in Theory but...
- An innovative idea for an automated underground tunnel...
State Rep. at Kids' Game Fails to Pants Ref During...
- Being an adult (and an official, at that) trying to...
Vegan Protestor Gets Atomic Wedgie From Angry Cattle...
- During a cattle judging event in Perth Australia,...
The Best News Bloopers Of 2021
- A collection of the best local and national news...
Manager Gives Fussy Response When Woman Requests...
- Some people just aren't human.
Showboating Steelers Player Strikes a Pose Instead of...
- Chase Claypool, a player for the Pittsburgh Steelers...
Dude Pulls off Epic Christmas Tree Fail, Takes the...
- This guy tied down his Christmas tree with the...
Hit and Run on Busy L.A. Freeway Escalates Quickly...
- After a hit-and-run left a vehicle disabled on the...
Elementary School Band Plays The Worst Rendition of...
- Holy crap, these kids suck!
Suspect Tries Jumping Out Window to Escape, Doesn't Go...
- Cool idea, but execution was a little lacking.
The Many Embarassing Glitches of the 'GTA Trilogy'...
- Seriously, Rockstar, what the hell happened here?
CNN's Test Drive of Tesla's 'Full Self-Driving' Mode...
- CNN's test drive of Tesla's new 'full self-drive'...
Girl's Dance Move Fail Nearly Results in a Suplex and...
- She leaned a little too far back and nearly caught a...
Dude Wonders How Someone Got Stuck in Freezer, Finds...
- He nearly put his life on the line in his quest for...
Ghost Hunters with Fart Sounds is the Parody We all...
- During an investigation of paranormal activity in a...
Marine Veteran Single-Handedly Disarms Robber at Gas...
- Mess with the bull you get the horns, mess with a...
Driver Tries to Regain Suspended License in Court...
- He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Coca Cola Gaming Ad One-Ups Pepsi as Most Out of Touch...
- "One Coke Away from Each Other"
Plane Gets Stuck under Overpass and Someone Is Getting...
- Here's something you don't see every day. A plane...
Impatient Driver Tries to Pass Jeep and Flips His Car
- Florida man gets a little too impatient when trying to...
Skydiving Plane Suffers Engine Failure and Goes Down...
- A plane carrying 17 people loses power to an engine...
Guy Trying to Sneak onto Fenway Park Field Gets...
- This dude thought he was gonna run across the field...
Giggling Teen Girls Stream Police Chase, Laughter Ends...
- A trio of teens aged 16-19 thought it would be cool to...
That Time Johnny Carson Exposed a Fake Psychic on...
- In this 1973 clip, we see Johnny Carson -- who was an...
YouTuber Uploads Unedited Video of Her Using Crying...
- YouTuber Jordan Cheyanne had quite the facepalm moment...
Reporter Harasses Wrong Dude While He Repeatedly Tries...
- Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition approached a helper of...
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