Curb Your Sovereignty - Woman vs. Police
- A woman who thinks she knows the law gets a taste of...
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Man Goes Slap Happy After Discovering The Power of the...
- The slappening, part 2.
Guy Makes A 'Breaking Bad' Style Escape During Police...
- "This is my own private domicile and I will not be...
Drone Footage Of Guy Running From Police, Swimming...
- Video of man who jumped into the ocean to run from the...
Crazy White Nationalist Fires Into A Crowd of People
- Disturbing footage that recently surfaced from the...
Watch These Cops Casually Discuss If They Should Plant...
- "We should carry one of those black ISIS flags with...
Things Escalate Quickly When Dude Refuses To Pay His...
- Things go from bad to wtf with a quickness.
Baltimore Cop's BodyCam Shows Him Planting Narcotics...
- The incident that took place in Baltimore shows an...
New Jersey Cop Caught Possibly Planting Evidence In A...
- The cop had nothing to say once the man confronted him...
Girl Accuses Cop Of Sexual Assault, Police Chief...
- An officer's name is cleared after recently released...
Crazy Woman Tries To Escape Arrest And Almost Runs...
- She only made things worse for herself by trying to...
Asshole Cop Points His Gun In The Faces Of A Family He...
- Who else thinks Deputy Doofus might have abused his...
Hero Cop Rescues Dog From Drowning
- A Chicago PD rescues a panicked dog after she falls in.
Crackhead Zombies Get Tased In Front Of Store
- Yet another reason to stay away from drugs!
Cops Caught On Dash-cam Talking Shit About A Woman...
- These two Toronto police officers can be heard talking...
Rude Customer Slaps Store Manager And Gets Owned
- I hate people who *attempt* to act tough when they...
Dude Gets Pulled Over Twice By Cops And Dips On Both...
- Troll level: Savage!
Confrontation With Group Of Teens Turns Physical Very...
- Officer Bad Temper storms in and things just...
Man Performs His Fool Proof Method Of Escaping The Cops
- When in a bind, this flexible duct tubing might just...
Cop Pulls Man Over For "Unsecured Child" But There Is...
- A confused driver gets a happy surprise from his wife...
Florida Sheriff Delivers Epic Warning To Heroin Dealers
- A message from the Lake County Sheriff's Office...
Instant Karma For Woman After Cutting This Biker Off
- She refuses to let him merge so he flags down a cop.
Police Body Camera Shows Intense Shootout In Ohio...
- Two cops approach a suspect and things go from 0-100,...
Cop Owns Annoying Woman With Snarky Remark
- These guys were "busted" trespassing and the woman...
When Campus Police Get Wind of a Real Crime
- RIP Lamp post, just an innocent victim in a senseless...
Crazy Dude In Blackface Gets Confronted By Police
- Damn son lay off the drugs, you look like a crackhead...
Local News Catches Towing Companies In A Boot And Tow...
- The police and local authorities join in on the...
Cash Me Outside' Girl And Her Mom Start A Brawl On A...
- Passengers quickly called the police who came to...
Protester Instantly Regrets Pepper Spraying Cops
- His extremely slow getaway attempt costs him a night...
Angry Rich Woman Throws Dog Poop On Cop And Gets...
- Just a pro tip, never throw anything at a police...
Cowboy Lassos Runaway Calf From The Hood Of A Cop Car
- A runaway calf running down Highway 79 in Henry...
Guy Trolls Police Who Are Asking Him To Take Down...
- Something tells me that this guy enjoys giving people...
Starbucks Employees Call The Cops On "Trump Cup"...
- A man said he wanted "TRUMP" on his cup and the store...
The Best Person To Ever Appear On COPS
- After 20 plus years on the air. This dude takes the...
Woman Hires A Hitman To Kill Her Husband And Gets...
- An undercover Police Officer posing as a hitman is...
Lil Wayne Explains Why He Doesn't Know What Racism Is
- An eye opening story for those with their heads up...
Woman Pretending She Got Hit By a Car Gets What She...
- These guys don't mess with people like her.
Man Waiting On Train Violently Beaten By Black Cop
- A Houston police officer goes ballistic with his...
Shaky Cop Nervously Holds Private Investigator At...
- That cop should have ONE bullet, kept in his top left...
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