Meow Mix Must Die
- A cute kitten kills every spoonful of food.
Media videos
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Cheeky Monkeys
- They had to peel him to see his banana.
Van Crashes into Store
- He crashes into the store then backs up and crashes...
On Thin Sea Ice In Norway
- A new Kind of Sport in Norway ? LOL
Teen Girl Sleeps With Pet Tiger
- She sleeps with a beast.
Very Sleepy Cat
- He just passes right out
Don't Ever Celebrate on a Bus Roof
- especially when there are wires hanging
Kentucky Town Overrun By Stray Cats
- They crapped on my hood of my car.
Python Wiener
- His dongs got a mind of its own!
Fastest Animal on Earth
- The Mantis Shrimp Strike is one of the fastest animals...
Evil Cat
- That's one creepy ass cat
Cat Jump Fall
- And...fail.
Autistic Boy Labeled "Cheater" for Being Too Good at...
- He should have gotten a PS3 instead of the 360
Guy freaks Out In Court
- Columbus man Zyderrious Platt was in court for...
Birthday Brawl At Chuck E. Cheese
- I would like to know what started it.
Fox Meets Cat
- Caturday lives!
"Touchy" TV Host During Wet T-shirt Contest
- Sexy Argentinian TV host Maria Rito gets excited about...
No Pants Subway Ride 2011
- Girls riding the subway without pants!
Car Swerves into Biker
- 20 points!
Philadelphia Natural Gas Explosion
- "Oh man! The whole street went bloom!," Jim Campoli,...
Getting Cat Out of Tree
- that cat's gonna rethink climbing trees for now on
Cavs Fan Gets In Fight With Jazz Mascot
- Cleveland Cavs fans are very touchy. They don't like...
Monkeys Got The Munchies
- That guy better count his fingers after that
90 Girls Pregnant At One Memphis High School
- Baby mama got sommin to say about it ya'll. watch this...
Cat VS Bear Cub
- "I'm warning you, Teddy. Get the fuck away! Okay, that...
A Kick At The Cat
- A man shows off for the camera and accidentally kicks...
Chicken Protester Outside Fast Food Place
- This chicken was probably the one that got away. Now...
UFC Fighter With Metal Hands
- This seems perfectly fair to me
Cockatiel Doing Work...
- I also celebrate a job well done in this manner.
The Most Bad Ass Cat You Probably Ever Seen
- Amirite? I know I'm rite.
Man With Golden Voice Arrested
- Ted Williams career can only go down hill from here
Unlikely Friendships, Lion, Tiger and Bear
- Three wild animals rescued from a drug dealer's home...
Dog Dodges Traffic In Philly
- A female German Shepherd decides to disrupt traffic on...
Curious Polar Bear Climbs Aboard Boat
- Well of course it's coming on board, you're feeding it.
Kitten Confused by Mirror
- This adorable kitten is scared of its own reflection
Start of the End of the World
- 2012 may be coming a little early.
Penguin Hops On Living Rock
- Like a muh fuckin boss.
Intercepting Pizza-Hut Calls
- These people intercept incoming calls to pizza hut and...
New World Record For Quarters In Belly Button
- A bet this will get him all the girls
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