Chipmunk Sleeps in Girl's Hair
- It's a complicated relationship. He's her pet, but...
Media videos
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King Penguin Slaps Friends
- This King Penguin is like your classic schoolyard...
No No No Cat
- i dunno why i find this so funny
- On a Golf Course in Orlando FL.
Horses Collision in Netherlands
- During the Flaeijeloptocht parade which took place in...
Monkey Parkour
- This is how you do it.
Hammerhead Eats Fisherman's Catch
- off of boca grand, Fl tarpon fishing.
Baby Seal Enjoying Backrubs
- cuteness overload
Accident In The Bathroom
- So close...
Motivated Cat Jump
- I guess he didn't believe in himself enough.
- this penguin is mad
Frustrated Schwarzenegger Panda
- Someone get him to the choppa.
Worlds Greatest Drag Race
- Eleven of the best driver's cars in the world go head...
How to Troll Seagulls
- That looks like it hurts...
Ukranian Teens Climb Bridge
- I don't know what's scarier, climbing the bridge or...
Gorilla Bath!
- Baby gorilla taking a bath.
Cows Like American Jazz
- At least someone is listening to this crap
Well Trained Kitty
- Check out this clever cat who pulls off some old dog...
Rare Massive 6-Gill Shark Sighting At 3300 FT Depth!
- Damn nature you scary.
Gladiator Spider Hunting With A Net
- This spider found in the Australian forests has it's...
Russian Woman Attacked by Polar Bear
- In Russia they don't have signs that say "Don't...
Polar Bear Cubs First Day In The Snow
- Cuteness OVERLOAD!
Cat Massages Sleeping Dog
- Relax, you're in good paws...
21 Foot Crocodile
- Wat chu been eating??
Epic Frog
- The intense life of a frog.
- Snake announces stunning goal.
Larry King's Son - Scared of Toad
- Give me five... for being a pussy
Chameleon vs. iPhone
- A chameleon is frightened by an iPhone...
Can You Find the Pug?
- If you lose, you owe me a beer.
Sleepy Kitten Wakes Up
- Rise and shine lil' one...
Jedi KIttens
- Cuteness Overload.
Snail Got Swagger
- he likes to move it move it
Original New York Seltzer
- Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous... Don't be fooled...
Horse Fail
- Herp derp horse goes up and over. The horse is fine,...
Cat Vs. Toaster
- Stupid animals.
Siamese Bongos
- He is getting a purrfect sound out of those cats.
Spider Vs. Wasp
- I hope you weren't planning on sleeping tonight.
Man Pregnant With T-Rex Baby
- Exactly how a dinosaur babby is formed.
Dog Plays Volleyball
- Better than you.
eBaum's Picks