Chinese Monkey Learned to Pose for Photos and Now...
- Okay, buddy, get over yourself.
Media videos
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Phillies’ Minor League Team Dog Makes Debut by...
- The Clearwater Threshers, a minor league team for the...
Camel Gets Tricked into Eating a Lemon, Then Gets...
- Camels are built for difficult weather. They’re able...
Squirrel Caught on Tree Smoking a Cig
- Give it a few years and they’ll be vaping.
Why Not Watch These Ducks Race?
- You’ve got nothing else going on. Why not watch...
Watch This Walrus Slurp Down Fish
- Hey, if he gets free fish from it, I’m sure he...
Woman Walking Her Dog Struck by Runaway Moose
- Russia is home to a lot of beautiful nature....
Man Gets Caught in Fight Between Cow and Bull
- The cow clearly loses to the bull, but the real loser...
Seagull Lands Three Sick Backflips in a Row
- Who says animals can’t have fun?
Kid Gets Mugged By Monkeys
- Monkeys are a little too close to humans for comfort.
I Never Want to See an ‘American Bloodworm’ Ever...
- At least they’re not known to attack humans — or...
Sheep Baths Look Way Different Than You'd Think
- Sheep, like any other livestock, needs to be washed to...
This Naked Raccoon is Unsettling and I’m Sorry You...
- He didn’t ask to be this way, but I still don’t...
Moose Chases Bear In Pursuit of the Century
- We usually say nature is brutal and while that remains...
'Raccoon Drive-Thru': Raccoons Rate Their Favorite...
- The standout dishes were grapes, eggs, and cat food.
'Game Over' There's No Way in Hell He's Playing That...
- An absolute unit of an Alligator is just chilling when...
Mother Stork Discards Her Weakest Baby Proving Only...
- This might be a tough pill to swallow, but animals...
‘I Did Sh*t That Would Make You B*tches Piss...
- Message taken, sir. I know well enough not to f*ck...
Miracle on the Savanna: Half-Eaten Impala Stands Tall...
- If the horror franchise 'Saw' has taught us anything,...
'It's Okay I'm a Professional': Man Ends Up...
- Blue Dragons are beautiful small blue sea slugs that...
Man Is Remarkably Chill after Waking Up With a Rat on...
- There are approximately 2 million rats living in New...
House of Nope, Scorpion House Will Fuel Your...
- Break out the eye bleach. You're gonna need it after...
Emmanuel the Emu vs. His Owner is a Battle For the Ages
- Emmanuel gives zero f**ks and does as he pleases.
Pet Beaver Tries Its Damndest to Build a Dam With...
- Someone save this beaver before I call animal...
‘Pigs Can’t See the Sky’: Farmers Come to the...
- Don't believe everything you see on the internet.
Deer Caught on Trail Cam Getting High on Nitrous Oxide
- Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be taking a nice...
Whitetail Buck Serves Two Bull Elk an Eviction Notice
- This deer with no fear lets these two elk know who's...
Man Rescues Desperate Baby Sea Turtle, Covered With...
- She was at the mercy of the waves, so covered in...
Texas Woman Gored by Wild Bison Lives to Post the...
- A Texas woman was literally gored by a bison at...
Texas Woman Gored by Wild Bison Lives to Post the...
- A Texas woman was literally gored by a bison at...
Killer Whales Are Way Too F**king Smart and It’s...
- Orcas or Killer Whales, are incredibly smart. This...
This Little Guy Has the Time of His LIfe on this Mini...
- This little weasel-like creature found a mini...
Great Horned Owl Loves His Owner
- Basically, owls prefer to spend alone, but when they...
Farmer Finds Geese Blackout Wasted on Fermented...
- A farmer woke up one morning to find his flock of...
Russian Trail Cam Captures Eight Species in One Spot
- A trail cam set up high in the frigid hills of...
Duck Gets Absolutely Launched After Sitting on High...
- Watch a duck get yeeted into the stratosphere after...
Giant Siberian Tiger Establishes Dominance Without...
- All this big ol' boy needs to establish his absolute...
Hippo Confronts Lions Trying To Cross "His" River
- This territorial hippo ain't having lions all up in...
Orangutan Hands Idiot His Own Ass
- A guy visiting the zoo got a little too close for...
Elephant Saves the Day by Alerting Zoo Keeper to...
- A drowning antelope was saved by zoo staff after an...
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