Dachshund vs Crab
- Watch this little dog claim his turf in the surf.
Media videos
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Ever Heard A Meerkat Laughing?
- By the sound of that laugh, she loves it!
Chased Through Park By Sea Of Rabbits
- The Japanese island of Okunoshima is known as the...
People Being Rejected By Their Pets
- A funny compilation of pets turning down their owners...
Goats Playing On Flexible Steel Ribbon
- Kids these days...
Video Game Facts As Told By Cats
- A collection of facts about video games, presented by...
How Wolves Change Rivers
- It may seem counter-intuitive, but wolves actually...
Sugar Glider Surprise Jump
- A perched sugar glider takes a leap and gracefully...
Freed Cows Jump For Joy
- After being freed, their excitement can be seen as...
Squirrel Found A Unique Hiding Spot For Nuts
- A pet Squirrel hides his nut in the fur of a Bernese...
Tiger Cuddles On The Couch
- 6 month old tiger Jonas spends the night with...
Monkey Poops On Zoo Visitors
- "You wan't a show, I'll give you a show!" Said the...
Elderly Couple Doesn't Notice Bear
- As they leave and lock up the house, they BEARly miss...
If A Deer Farts In The Woods...
- Maybe he's just trying to hide his scent from any...
Dogs Vs. Cats Teaching Styles
- See how dogs teach their pups, vs how cats teach their...
Talented Skateboarding Super Cat
- Here is the world's best skateboarding cat!
Hilarious Snake In Purse Prank
- You find a purse on the sidewalk, but when you reach...
Smart Bird Plays Dead To Get Away
- Clever bird plays dead until the last moment, then...
Dog Snores In Cat's Arms
- Warning: Cuteness Overload!
This Cat Loves Hugs
- Man hugs his cat, the cat hugs him back, and the...
100,000 Dead Bats Rained Down
- The heat is so severe that it has already caused up to...
True Facts About The Armadillo
- The armadillo gets the always entertaining True Facts...
Wild Turkey Chases Delivery Guy
- You don't see that everyday!
Skater Ollies Over a Crocodile
- This guy flirted with death... what did you do today?
The Best Dog Vines of 2013
- A collection of the funniest and most favorited dog...
Birds Show Drone Who's Boss Of The Skies
- Birds attack phantom drone quad-copter causing crash...
An Engineer's Guide To Cats - 2.0
- Two professional engineers update an earlier video...
Waffles The Cat's Icy Fail
- Waffles almost became a pancake.
Bizarre Dancing Snake
- Either this snake is on something, or it just knows...
Spotted Micro Pig Gets A Bath
- An adorable little micro-piglet gets a bath.
You Shall Not Pass, Dog
- Dogs Terrified Of Walking Past Cats, A Dramatic...
Cats Being Annoyed By Parrots
- A compilation of Parrots give cats a taste of their...
Perfectly Timed Photos of 2013
- Amazingly timed pictures that may require a 2nd look!
Weiner Party
- Brace yourselves... Weiners are coming!
Weiner Party
- Brace yourselves... Weiners are coming!
Elephant Vs. Stick
- An elephant's funny reaction after several failed...
Hilarious Crazy Seagull Prank
- The Dudesons throwing popcorn near sunbathers on the...
George The Talking Cat
- This cat will greet you differently than other felines.
Cop Fired After Shooting Squirrel
- The real crime here is that someone called 911 over a...
A Waterslide For Ducklings
- Some cute baby ducklings enjoy a custom built...
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