Girl Reveals Sexual Desires After Waking Up At...
- Looks like her inhibitions were attached to those...
Media videos
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Drunk Charlie Sheen At Taco Bell Drive Thru
- Stumbling drunk through the shrubbery of a taco bell...
A Happy Ending For A Dog Left Behind
- When this dog's owner died, he was left with no where...
Guy Accidentally Blows Up His Boat Dock!
- Fireworks gone wrong results in some hilarious...
Unbelievable Mix Of Movie Dance Cuts!
- A music video tribute to 93 different movie dance...
Fast Food Urban Legends: Are They True?
- After this, you may never eat again. Ever.
Guy Blasts A Traffic Cone Sky-High
- Nothing like father and daughter playing with...
Street Fighter 2 - Drunk Russian Edition
- A hilarious "fight" between a drunk guy and a really...
Halo Theme Song In A Stairwell
- I'm guilty of doing this a few times myself.
Crane Operator Destroys Ice Cream Truck
- Never mess with a crane operator!
Biker Hit From Behind, Lands On Car Roof
- The driver casually proceeds to pull of the road...
Oblivious Woman Walks Right Into Pool
- This lady isn't watching what she is doing, and walks...
Ferrari Test Drive Crash
- A couple of guys take a Ferrari for a test drive and...
Never Leave Your Kids Or Pets In The Car
- This guy delivers a good message, while experiencing...
Girl Takes Selfie Everyday For 6.5 Years
- A time lapse video of one girl's life while battling...
Two Vicious Dogs Want To Battle
- Luckily a fence prevents any bloodshed...
Crazy Guy On Scooter Has A Deathwish
- A man on a scooter plays chicken with oncoming traffic...
The Coolest Cooler Ever?
- Be the envy of any outing with this new awesome cooler.
Woman Gets Hit By Lamborghini Gallardo
- She was hit by the pace car during the Global Relay...
Hilarious Slingshot Ride Reaction
- "Ya'll check your seat belts real quick..."
Shaving My Beard For Grandma's 100th Birthday
- He promised he'd shave his beard for her 100th...
How NOT To Pull Your Boat From The Water
- Well, that was an expensive fail...
Awesome Acoustic Tribute To Daft Punk
- Two talented guys play an awesome medley on acoustic...
Golden Retriever Thinks He's An Ambulance
- Let me sing you the song of my people!
3 Carnival Games You'll Never Win
- And the reasons why game vendors are laughing all the...
Brazilian Street Performer Has Talent
- A perfect rendition of Dire Straits Sultans Of Swing....
George R.R. Martin's Words for His Haters
- A question regarding if he will ever finish the books,...
Everything Is NOT Awesome
- A powerful message from Greenpeace to LEGO about their...
Cyclist's Head On Crash With A Car
- A collision which sends the cyclist airborne and...
Crazy Ketchup And Mustard Lady
- Further proof that drugs will mess you up kids.
Fireworks Gone Wrong!
- A firework explodes on the ground and causes a chain...
World Cup P.S.A. Takes An Unexpected Turn
- A "Kick The Habit" public service announcement...
7 Reasons To Have More Sex
- Have more sex... because science told you to!
Adorable Baby Hedgehog Yawns
- This baby hedgehog is tired of being so darn cute!
The Reason You Are Still Alive
- Every second of your life you are under attack, but...
Last Minutes With Oden
- A heartbreaking story of one man's last few minutes...
Crane Drops A Building Onto A Taxi
- This move had bad news written all over it...
Friendship Between A Toddler And WWII Vet
- An unlikely friendship forms between an adorable...
60 Seconds That Will Change How You Think
- This homeless man shows compassion even when others do...
Diver Saves Sea Turtle Caught In Fishing Net
- GoPro footage of a diver rescuing a sea turtle, who...
eBaum's Picks