Locals Declare War on Cops With Fireworks in...
- youths in Minneapolis brazenly launch fireworks at a...
Media videos
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‘Over-Boated’: Party Boat Sinks as Passengers...
- Earlier this week, TikTok boat page Wavy Boats took to...
This Guy Should Consider a Career in Stand-Up Comedy...
- A big brother delivers a heartfelt and hilarious toast...
Family Gets Massive SUV Stuck Inside a Redwood Tree
- "They were expecting a burger at the drive through."
Cops Struggle to Capture Escaped Pig Named Mr....
- Here is your moment of zen.
Dude Tricked Into Entering Bodybuilding Competition as...
- Need a reason to hit the gym? Let this failed fantasy...
Guys Test the Stats on Different Tinder Openings to...
- Still, getting a response is just the first step. Now...
‘The Boy Different’: DJ Khaled Struggles to Read...
- "The minute you think you've figured out the boy, the...
This Is What Happens When Dummies Use Fireworks
- Be careful with your fireworks and don't end up like...
Karen Demands to Be Let Off of Flight Because She...
- "This right here is why you don’t take gummies...
Pakistani Chest Slap Boxing is the Next Great...
- Known as Slap Kabbadi, the rules are simple: Slap each...
Idiotic Tourist Risks Being Gored By Wild Animal For...
- After two years of leading the pack as the world’s...
Guy Surprises Girlfriend With Proposal as She Exits...
- The mile-high club – it’s not just for sex!
'A Trailer, Truck and a Jeep': Meet the Final Boss of...
- Think your tow truck is strong? Think again.
Jennifer Lawrence Admits She Only Understood 'Mother!'...
- Did you have trouble comprehending Mother!, a.k.a. the...
Guy Offers His Robbers $100k for Return of His Hard...
- What do you think he really had on that hard drive?
'World Trade, Second Plane': Fall Out Boy Releases...
- Fall Out Boy did not start the fire, but they have...
Grindset Bros Have Discovered Yet Another Free Money...
- Looks like the grindset community will need to figure...
Out-of-Control Segway Terrorizes Small Town as It...
- “That thing's a shin killer.”
Girls Out for a Nice Boat Ride Unexpected Lose Their...
- This is the hilarious moment a motor suddenly snapped...
Watching a Programmer Shut Down an IRS Phone Scam...
- This guy is an absolute hero. After getting a scam IRS...
Angry Grandpa Fixes the TV With a Massive Fart
- "That fart will wake up anybody!" he yells with...
Tech Support Worker Shares His Worst "Boomer Caller"...
- If the older generations were to magically disappear,...
TikToker Pranks Parents By Swapping Fridge With Paid...
- Earlier this month TikTok prankster Corbin Millet went...
A.I. Compilation of John Cena Eating Ice Cream
- A.I. has proved itself to be pretty good at making...
Father Beams With Pride at Daughter's Successful Dad...
- The student has become the master. The cycle is...
Cops Called for "Body in the Trunk," But It's Just a...
- "That went from “homicide” to 'Oh my wig!' real...
'Slay!': Hot Mic Catches the One Phrase You Don't Want...
- Slaying: It means something different when anchors say...
'Will it Protein Shake?': Guy Tries Everclear With...
- "To anyone who hasn’t drank everclear, this is more...
5th Graders Celebrate Graduation By Playing Lil Jon On...
- Turn down for what? Definitely not a fifth-grade...
The Time Julia Louis-Dreyfus Cussed In Front Of Elmo
- “You’re going to be a rich Muppet at the end of...
Fake Drill Sergeant and His 'Military Fitness' Class...
- "You’ll never guess how the drill instructor enters...
Karen Thinks Man Idling in His Tesla is Polluting the...
- Karens hate it when people just sit in their cars.
British Royal Guard Keeps Playing After Guard Passes...
- Over the weekend three British Royal Guards collapsed...
'She's Worth 750 Million': Kylie Jenner's Red Flag Is...
- Kris Jenner was too busy coordinating a tip-centric...
He Had Enough of His Neighbor's Dog Pooping In His...
- After asking his neighbor to stop letting his dog go...
Runner Trains His Girlfriend’s Dachshund to Run 6...
- "Sub-4 wiener dog incoming."
Jared Leto Free Climbs the Side of Five-Star Berlin...
- It must be Morbin' time.
Streamer Effortlessly Checkmates Twitch's New Ad Policy
- Streamers are already working around Twitch's...
European Castles VS Similarly Priced Canadian Real...
- "2.8 mil for that? Is Canada OK?"
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