This Guy Created The Most Popular Fake Restaurant In...
- He managed to turn his front yard into one of London's...
Media videos
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Guy Calls Out Fitness Model For Fake Weights In 900...
- Heba Ali (of Evolve Nation) agreed to do the 900 pound...
Epic Rendition Of 'Careless Whisper' Played On The...
- How this wasn't nominated for a Grammy, we'll never...
Roof Runners Evading The Police In Hong Kong
- Even though its cut and edited it still pretty amazing.
Porch Pirate Gets A Dose Of Instant Karma
- If your stealing packages from peoples home you...
The Best Brake Light Mod in Human History
- These brake lights send out out a very urgent and...
12 Of The Most Expensive and Famous Guns Of All Time
- From Wyatt Earp's Revolver to a pair of .45's made...
US Special Forces Unable To Climb Trump's Border Wall...
- Our new border wall will be the biggest and best wall...
Checkout This Exclusive Sneak Peek at Super Troopers 2
- The boys are back and this time they're kicking ass...
Crowd Goes Wild After The Viking's Winning Touchdown
- It feels like you're right there in the stadium.
Amish Pimp Doing Donuts In His Horse And Carriage
- Fast & Furious: Amish Drift coming to a small...
Girl Trolls Techies by Pretending She's a...
- This is how you prank techies the right way.
High School Jazz Band Drummer Lays Down An Epic Solo
- This kid is going places.
James Franco Addresses The Allegations Of His Sexual...
- James Franco sits down with Seth Meyers and talks...
The Most Popular Weather Girl In The World
- The forecast says there is a heat wave on the horizon.
Meet the Badass Apache Duster, a 19th Century Weapon...
- The Apache Duster is a gun, brass knuckle, knife combo...
Man Frees Rescued Squirrel Only To Have Mother Nature...
- Sometimes nature is a cruel bastard!
Why Cutting Off An Angry Trucker Is a Bad Idea
- It's best not to piss these drivers off.
Keanu Reeves Shows off His Impressive Marksman Skills
- Damn, this dude might be John Wick in real life!
How To Look Like A Cocktail Boss And Make An Ice Cube...
- All you need is a razor sharp knife, steady hands, and...
Adorable Dog Goes Sledding All By Herself
- This dog doesn't need a human to have a great time!
Man In Pakistan Claims To Have Created a Free...
- The motor shown here is a magnetic motor, that is...
This Nerf MiniGun Proves Kid's Toys Are Way Better...
- You could do some real damage with this bad boy!
Watch Seth MacFarlane Nerd Out In His Teenage Star...
- Before he was famous a young Seth McFarland started in...
Alex Jones Vs Amazon's Alexa
- Don't let her fool you, Alexa works for the CIA.
Jean-Claude Van Damme Has A Message For Steven Seagal...
- What a class act Van Damme is.
Squirrel Hops onto the Dog for Protection From the Cat
- Doggo gives the family cat a not so subtle warning to...
Awesome Light Display Set To 'Thunderstruck' By AC/DC
- The display was a tribute to the band after the recent...
UPS Driver Very Excited to See Snacks Left by Homeowner
- Delivery drivers are really excited to drop off...
Guy Does Some Impressive "Magic Tricks" Using Only A...
- Keep your eye on the pen.
This Beautiful Gun Concealment Table Is Straight Out...
- This table has a hidden gun-storage compartment with a...
Muhammed Ali Gives Priceless Response After A Woman...
- As fast with his words as he was with his fists.
Curb Your Terrorism
- These jihadis thought they were safe, well guess again.
Hit and Run Driver Gets Arrested With Guns Drawn...
- A youtuber / good samaritan who was live-streaming...
A**holes On A Moped Get A Dose of Instant Justice
- This road-rage scene is like something out of Grand...
'A Lonely MILF On Christmas' Is Brazzers' SFW Holiday...
- Brazzers' very first SFW Christmas music video
College Student Does His Part To Make America Great...
- Jon Meis, a student security guard stopped a lunatic...
Idiot On Jet Ski Tries To Touch A Cargo Ship And Is...
- A dumb stunt almost got this genius sucked under the...
Forklift Drivers Stop Thieves From Getting Away With...
- Intuitive staff at a warehouse prevented a group of...
Teacher Beats "Strong Boy" In test Of Might
- Teacher and student face off in contest to separate...
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