Stanley Cup Thief Arrested With 65 Stanley Cups Worth...
- The Stanley Cup is yet another trend that refuses to...
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Drug Dealer Caught Hiding 127 Bags of Coke and 60 Bags...
- Though Londoner Kevy Kabula may have claimed he had no...
Nurse Photographed Carrying the Biggest Chamber Pot...
- This might be the biggest poop in all of recorded...
TV Hater Turns Walmart Electronics Section into His...
- Why pay $100 odd bucks for a rage room when you could...
24 Weird World Facts that Prove We Know Nothing, Jon...
- Just because something is true, doesn't make it...
20 Certifiably Looney Headlines From the Weekend
- In 2024, you have to personally inspect planes...
Komodo Dragon is the Actual Throat GOAT After...
- After roughly 80 years as the supreme of sloppy toppy,...
30 Fresh Tweets to Kickstart Your Day
- For all its problems Twitter is still the best place...
18 People With Terrible Taste But Great Execution
- Everyone's tastes are different. Some love the finer...
Woman’s Housesitting Friend Rented Out Her Apartment...
- The most thrilling and outrageous case is currently...
Train Passengers Teach Phone Thief a Lesson, Dangling...
- Though one train-riding thief may have been...
19 of the Oddest Headlines of the Week
- Lego drug busts, Emmy Drag Goblins, and the oldest...
Furries Seething Over Pitched Oklahoma Bill Requiring...
- Nothing terrifies Boomers more than furries.
Aussie Teens Shove Elderly Man Off of Pier, Record It,...
- A group of Australian teenagers have been arrested...
Boeing 747 Catches Fire After Leaving Miami Airport
- Is it just me, or is there something going on with...
Cosmetic Surgeon Roasted After Turning a Bunch Of...
- Wanna know how your 50-year-old pal got those scars? A...
You're Crazy': Unhinged Passenger Refuses to Deplane...
- Despite a litany of viral videos proving that...
Gas Detecting Camera Seemingly Captures Catastrophic...
- Despite consistently touting their efforts of reducing...
Unluckiest Dude Ever Gets Pantsed After Getting Run...
- The only thing worse than getting nearly run over by a...
24 Times People Were Corrected By Community Notes
- So sit back and let the truth flow through you.
26 Awful Landlords Who Deserve a Piece of Their Own...
- This is what we call the landlord special.
26 People Who Had One Job and Failed
- So if you think you stink at your job, know that there...
14 Naive Souls Who Asked to Be Roasted and Got Cremated
- Usually it isn't very nice to say incredibly mean...
25 Wild Posts From People Who Need to Log Off
- Of all the major social media platforms, it's easy to...
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 39 Fresh Pics and Memes...
- Sometimes life is like building an Ikea desk, just...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 38 Fresh Pics and Memes...
- Tweets that hit different.
32 Times the Customer Was Flat Out Wrong
- When customers are the dumbest people on Earth.
25 Historical Moves People Thought Were Brilliant But...
- Even without a crystal ball, hindsight on some of...
23 Office Posters Reminding People Their Job Stinks
- I believe everyone should take pride the work they do....
22 Surprising Family Secrets People Have Been Told
- Not everybody is who they say they are, and as the...
28 Gross and Lazy People Who Should Be Banned From...
- Customers who make it clear by their actions they...
Don't Do This: 23 Pieces of BADvice
- When we're kids, our parents tell us a lot of things...
Saturday Morning Randomness: 41 Memes and Pics to Help...
- What better medicine is there than a nice collection...
Friday Morning Randomness: 34 Fun Randoms to Turn Your...
- If things just aren't going your way, you can always...
'Prosecuted': Caregiver Films TikTok In Front of...
- Though New Year’s Eve may only be a week and change...
‘My Wife Said She Preferred Her Deceased Husband...
- We talk a lot about dudes posting their Ls, but this...
El Chapo’s Nephew Clears Out Bar During Shoot Out
- Being related to a drug lord awards you some benefits.
43 of the Most Insane and Influential A.I.-Generated...
- It's almost terrifying to see just how far the...
Real Life Easter Eggs: 30 Clever Things People Spotted...
- These were discovered in unexpected places.
Great Execution: 30 People Who Have Terrible Taste But...
- This fine collection of impressive monstrosities comes...
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