Deaf Couple Strike Back After an Alleged Assault
- A deaf woman that is pregnant was allegedly assaulted...
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Flat Earth Moron Gets Laughed Out Of A Bar By 'Globe...
- Man, do these people know they're being trolled?
Guy Crushes Candles with a Hydraulic Press And Gets...
- The Medusa effect is a pretty cool thing to watch.
Vintage Video of Plywood Being Made is Actually Pretty...
- Plywood is a simple material made by glueing together...
26 Dope Pics That Will Stimulate Your Senses
- The weekend is upon us so kick back and relax.
14 Strange Things That Some People Are Allergic To
- well. that would suck!
44 Excellent Puns that Will Make You Laugh or Cry
- Have some pun with your life.
Online Hoax #PitBullDropOff Is Beyond Sick And Twisted
- The hashtag #pitbulldropoff started getting traction...
Guy Tries Marijuana to Remove a Stain That Harsh...
- The all natural cleaning power of pot... or not.
34 Peculiar Pics From The Bowels of the Interwebs
- Funny, random, and WTF pics for you to enjoy.
27 Pics That Will Change the Way You See the World
- Interesting photos of everyday things from a different...
31 Objects You Never Knew You Wanted To See Inside...
- Have a peek inside these everyday objects.
This Man Having a 5 Inch Pin Removed From His Face Is...
- A man has a pin from some previous reconstructive...
25 Fascinating Historical Photos For Those Who Enjoy...
- Look at the past and take a few pointers for the...
Sex Expert Says Parents Should Get Consent Before...
- Because your baby is capable of consent right?
22 Bone Chilling Facts To Keep You Up At Night
- Make sure you don't read these before bed.
Jeremy Clarkson Hosts Who Wants To Be A Millionaire...
- Nothing like getting your hopes up only to fall flat...
17 Tom Cruise Puns Perfect For A Hungover Day
- Crappy puns that will crack you up and make you scoff.
Anti-Vaxer Disproves Her Own Bad Logic by Accident
- Wait, so you have evidence that is "I think so" but...
21 Extremely Absurd and Weird Images to Make You Laugh...
- A whole bunch of random what else would you expect...
MMA Fighters Destroy Women's Self-Defense Techniques
- Always try before you buy folks.
When This Teacher Assigned Students to Compose a...
- Creative teacher meets even more creative student.
How America Covers The News Versus How Britain Covers...
- In America, we like to think the world is always on...
Eddy Murphy Goes In On Bill Cosby
- Eddy Murphy does a better Bill Cosby impression than...
Ice Poseidon Uses Wrong Pronoun In Seattle, Gets...
- The person also flashed their private parts.
Closing a Box Made of Mirrors With a Light Bulb Inside
- Whoa, this is trippy.
18 Amazing Scientific Achievements For Your Brain To...
- See what science all over the world is constantly...
30 Gender Switched Cosplays are Pretty Cool
- When females dress up as male characters and vice...
12 Pics of Pornstars That Will Make You Say 'That’s...
- Hey, wait a minute, those aren't 12 porn stars! That's...
Badass Pilot Boards Ship Like a Man
- This man brought his balls of steel to the ice of...
Japanese Ex-Porn Star Confesses Everything
- Emiri Okazaki explains her trials and tribulation in...
Ex-Gang Members React to Seeing Themselves Without...
- Photographer Steven Burton took photos of former gang...
Kid Plays Electric Guitar at the Speed of Light
- This kid will get your panties wet!
22 Fascinating Photos Full Of History That Will...
- Photos from the past that remind us today that we're...
27 Great Gaming Memes And Pics That Are A Feast For...
- Prepare yourself to have many lives and live each one...
Latin Mama Dances Her Way Into Our Hearts
- This sexy tamale makes us hungry for more than pico de...
Security Guard Risks His Life When a Live Grenade is...
- A brave security guard jumps into action after he...
Hot Chick Busts A Backflip to Split Move That Wows...
- Now THAT was impressive!
Guy Rock Climbing Gets Passed By A Free Climber...
- He better not lose his grip or it's all over!
Guy Discovers Some Fraudulent Practices Happening At...
- Ah the classic bait and switch, it'll get you every...
eBaum's Picks