This Helpful Homie Does His Best To Get People To Stop...
- Tyrone has a pretty heavy-handed approach to helping...
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13 Hilarious WYD Smoking Memes
- Smoke a little too much and you will do some wild shit.
Mega Babe Takes A Massive Gravity Bong Dab
- I never thought of combining a dab with a gravity bong...
Mysterious Japanese Smoking Room Magician Amazes...
- This man is yet to be identified by this video of him...
North Korea Has A New Chain Smoking Chimp At Their Zoo
- There's a new star at the Pyongyang zoo ladies and...
Dad Punishes Disrespectful Weed Smoking Punk Kid
- Allan Gieger Jr. was tired of watching his teenage son...
Smoking Salvia Can Make a Grown Man Cry
- That must have been some strong shit.
Damn Carl, Stop Chiefing!
- Carl the Cardinal has become a weed fiend.
Group of Stoners Make Their Great Escape from a Pesky...
- Still one of the best 4/20 videos on the internet.
The Classic Firework In The Cigarette Prank
- He learned two lessons. Smoking is bad and don't trust...
22 Cakes That Are Truly WTF
- It seems like there is a cake for just about ANY...
Three Ex-Cops Smoking Weed
- In honor of 4/20 here are some ex-cops getting baked.
24 Absorbing Facts About Marijuana
- Increase your knowledge about the USA's most...
Guy Tells Smokers "Smoking Is Bad"
- He quickly finds out that you don't get between...
What Are Your Addictions Costing You?
- Whats the price of your vice?
Kid Smoking Experiment
- Stranger's reactions to a 9 year old trying to bum a...
The Age-Old Battle Of Alcohol Vs. Marijuana
- The raging disagreement about how people should get...
17 Random Disturbing Facts
- A collection of things you're probably better off not...
Helicopter Steals Pool Water For Fire
- A helicopter swoops in to grab some water to fight a...
People Smoking Booze?
- One doctor says it is just another dangerous fad.
High On The Job
- I'm like freaking out man!
Drinking Beer And Smoking Cigarettes
- He's like everybody's favorite uncle.
Your Brain On Drugs: Marijuana
- This is what you look like, on the inside, when...
Salvia Freakout
- This couple records themselves smoking Salvia, which...
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout
- This week's F.U.C.K. is brought to you by nyyank257!
Real Girls 2.0
- Enjoy Yourself.
Real Girls 2.0
- The Legacy has returned.
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout
- This weeks F.U.C.K. is brought to you by UsedCarMan
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout
- This week's F.U.C.K. is brought to you by nyyank257!
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout
- This week's F.U.C.K. is brought to you by nyyank257!
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout XXI
- Back to the original classic recipe!
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout XX
- This week's F.U.C.K. international edition, is brought...
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout XIX
- This week's F.U.C.K. is brought to you by nyyank257!
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout XVIV
- This Week's YANK is brought to you by F.U.C.K..... oh...
Nyyank257's Baseball Babes
- Come on and step up to the plate with these chicks.
Smoking Baby
- This baby smoke 2 packs a day
Up in Smoke Gallery II
- So...how was your 4/20?
Santa Cigarette Ads
- Here are some old ads I found from a simpler time when...
Police Beat Father to Death at DUI Checkpoint
- If you didn't hate police before, you should highly...
Marilyn Monroe Smoking Marijuana Has Surfaced
- A mute home movie allegedly showing the icon smoking...
eBaum's Picks