12 Hilarious Donald Trump Jokes to Get You Ready for...
- This should get you in the mood for the first GOP...
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What Did Donald Trump Look Like When He Was Young?
- He hasn't always been the old guy we know today.
Donald Trump - Dey Took Our Jerbs!
- A speech from Donald Trump that sounds like it's...
Biden's Creepy Kiss of Senator's Daughter
- Vice President Joe Biden leans over and whispers...
19 Artworks That Make You Think
- Graffiti and political cartoons that will get your...
What The Government Is Doing Behind Closed Doors
- The scariest thing about terrorism is the lengths that...
19 People Caught Believing Onion Articles
- These people will be so embarrassed if they ever...
Fox's Interview With Rapper Didn't Go As Planned
- The host was not ready for what The Coup frontman,...
8 Ways To Definitely Improve The Government
- Things aren't perfect, but once these changes are made...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
21 Maps That Will Blow Your MIND
- Prepare to say, "Holy crap!" 20 times.
Barack Lying About Net Neutrality
- Obama telling his plan to keep the internet neutral...
Hillary Clinton Almost Hit With A Shoe
- A women was arrested in Las Vegas for throw a shoe at...
Burning My Last Bridge With Obama
- This young woman explains why she's no longer an Obama...
Lawsuit Vs. Obama, NSA, And FBI
- Libertarian Rand Paul challenges constitutionality of...
Lie Witness News - State Of The Union
- The speech had not taken place when we asked these...
Jon Stewart Takes On Megyn Kelly And Fox
- Megyn Kelly and Fox were freaking out over Santa's...
Facts Approved By North Korean Government
- Insane propaganda the government tells its citizens...
Force Fed Under Standard Gitmo Procedure
- Actor and rapper Yasiin Bey (Mos Def), experiences the...
Congressman's Speech On Obama
- A short but harsh speech from Jim Bridenstine.
Heckler Hijacks President Obama's Speech
- Raw footage of the heckler questioning Obama about...
Mitt Romney's Concession Song
- After congratulating President Obama, Romney comforts...
Obama Is A Communist - Remix
- Just got to study it out!
Political Kombat
- The 2012 presidential election through Mortal...
Gary Johnson for President
- Dream a Little...Thoughts?
Are Your Politicians For Sale?
- Political prostitution
Congressman Jared Polis Questions DEA About Marijuana...
- Congressman Jared Polis questions DEA Administrator...
Rick Perry Doesn't Know The Voting Age
- It doesn't really matter at this point.
Benettons Controversial Kissing Ads
- A clothing companys controversial ad campaign features...
The 12 Funniest Fox News Fails
- This is not about mocking Fox News for any political...
Activist Interrupts Live Taping of Bill Maher
- Dude was taken outside and beaten to a pulp. Taped...
Political Slander Ads Circa 1800
- You are nothing but a hermaphroditical character with...
High School Reporter Embarrasses State Senator
- This geeky kid might not be getting laid but he sure...
The Most Depressing Graduation Speech Ever
- Instead of providing encouragement for the graduates...
Badass Politician Ad
- Dale Peterson, Alabama Agriculture Commission, ICAUCUS...
Politician Vs Asians
- A fight broke out between British National Party...
Massive Fight Breaks Out in Ukraine Parliament
- Now that is what I call Politics. I vote you get egged!
Joe Biden Clueless About "Avatar"
- The VP lies about seeing the movie Avatar. He likes...
Top Protest Signs of the Year
- Nothing brings that tear to my eye like anal...
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