Skater Jumps In Front of Car
- Skater jumps down a flight of stairs and straight in...
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Cops Beat Teen Burglar
- This is why you don't steal!
Detroit Precinct Shooting
- A man walks into a police station and opens fire
Police Bikes FAIL
- Something went wrong at the DMV
Riots in Tunisia - Government Collapses
- yes, people are pissed, many have lost their life...
Tazing A Sissy
- Self Explanatory.
Dash Cam Catches Spectacular Crash
- This accident unfolded right in front of the police
Cops Shoot Handicapped Homeless Dood
- Cops in San Francisco respond to a crazy hobo slashing...
Police Shootout at Enon Beach
- This is a video from WDTN 2 News of a Shootout at Enon...
Russian Arrest Fail
- Russian police officers forget to guard the paddy...
Girl Caught Selling Pee
- I bet gerald69 Is her top customer
Woman Saves Cop From Old Man
- Cop pulls over old man, struggle ensues, old man goes...
Man Shot by Police Pointing a Water Nozzle
- A man shot to death by two police officers was found...
Cops Pull Up 400 Pot Plants, Then Realize Plants Are...
- Amazing real news story from 2010.
Carjacking Leads to Police Chase
- Another version of GTA.
Two Cops Taser and Punch Man
- For what, I have no idea.
Ninja Vs. Police
- This dude is crazy lol
Chimp Smashes Police Car Windshield
- He wasn't monkeying around
GTA in Brazil
- Tries to run over coppers! Stupid cop almost arrests...
Man Digs Through Bathroom to Museum
- Police say a thief tried to dig through a bathroom...
Police Work Is For The Dogs
- Wolves invade the M-23 In Russia
How To Be Good Police Officer
- That German Hating Cop, Might Wanna Take Some Notes
Why Are You Driving In My Country?
- Here's another asshole police officer at his finest....
Cops Fires 9 Shots for a Bumper Tap
- If he were a K9 cop he'd be put down. Just sayin'.
Wild Florida Police Chase
- Reminds me of GTA.
BP Controlled Feds Threaten Man For Digging in Sand
- A reporter is threatened on a Florida beach for...
Texas Store Owner Uses Pepsi to Fight Robber
- Those Pepsi cans are dented, they better be half off.
Naked Russian Madman On Cop Car
- I don't know why he's on the car, and naked...but this...
Elderly Man Tased 3 Times in His Home By Cops
- His crime? Calling 911 for medical help. This video...
Guy Calls Police Nazis
- I waved at you to say how's it going, and you call me...
Police Taser Man
- Video reveals a High ranking Vermont corrections...
Denver Police Save Society From Another Dangerous...
- how convenient that the cop operating the security...
Naked Man Beaten Outside Bar
- A naked dude walks around outside the Fan District...
Short Cop Vs. Tall Man
- The Struggle is entertaining.
SF Police Knock Out a Resisting Suspect
- Another one of those model moms whose kid will show up...
Cop Gets Struck By Car
- Which resulted in shooting the suspect.
57 Year Old Woman Tasered by US Cops After Calling for...
- Police Brutality
12 Million Dollar Pot Bust
- leave it to the cops to ruin everything
I've Been Captured By The Germans!
- An older gentleman was having a drink at a pub and...
G20 Riot Police Chicken Dance Hilarious
- The crowd is saying. "Whose streets? Our Streets!"
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