Carjacking During Intense Police Chase
- A news chopper captures an intense police chase and a...
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Cop Beats A Man In A Wheelchair
- A cop faces criminal charges after a man is beaten up...
Bong Prank On The Cops
- VitalyzedTV hits a bong out in public, right in front...
Cops Try To Frame Man And Get Caught
- Marcus Jeter escapes a 5 year prison sentence after...
Elderly Man Run Over In Road Rage Attack
- Detectives are asking for help identifying the...
Smash And Grab On A Cop Car
- I guess Darth vader made him do it.
Suspect On Bicycle Tackled By Police
- Dramatic video captured by a local CBS news affiliate.
CHP Officer Arrests Firefighter For Helping
- The Firefighter wanted to make sure the victims of an...
Korean Riot Cops Ancient Roman Tactics
- Riot police in South Korea fend off rioters with...
40 Photos That Make You Feel
- Pictures from all over the world that are sure to tug...
Is This Australian Policeman Stoned?
- A driver films what seems like a police officer who is...
Hacker Trolls Man With His Own IP Camera
- He calls tech support as his webcam is playing "Every...
Meanwhile In Police Academy
- Hardcore training taking place here.
In New York It's Illegal To Wash Your Car
- Even at your own house, in your own driveway, using...
Black Men Arrested For Traveling?
- These two black guys say they were arrested for being...
The Coolest Cop Ever?
- A cop is impressed with this guy's ride and even...
Big Drunk Guy Gets Tased
- Instead of cooperating, he decides to resist and meets...
Biker Crashes Into Police Car
- A biker isn't paying attention and slams into the back...
People's Odd Reactions To Being Filmed
- Surveillance cameraman is back on the streets with...
Is This A Case OfvPolice Brutality?
- Cassandra Feuerstein suffers broken bones in her face...
The Not So Thin Blue Line
- Some funny and WTF images of cops on duty from all...
Don't Mess With This Five Year Old Girl
- Or her German Shepherd will mess you up!
D.C. Marine Police Hit And Run
- Responding quickly to a call, they seem to completely...
Cops Attack Men Then Arrest Them
- These two brothers say they're the victims and have...
Cops Attack Men Then Arrest Them
- These two brothers say they're the victims and have...
Trooper Gets Schooled On The Law
- A state trooper is confronted with the requirements...
Police Sued For Making Women Strip
- Facing accusations that its jailers forced DUI...
Police Takedown Done Properly
- Other law enforcement officers could learn from how...
Police Takedown Done Properly
- Other law enforcement officers could learn from how...
Police Threaten Man For Waving
- A firefighter was handcuffed by police officers and...
Crooked Cops Busted By Own Dash Cam
- These cops will apparently do anything to protect the...
Man Knocked Out By Passing Truck Crane
- A motorist is talking to police when a truck hits him...
"MEXICANZ" Presented By FOX News
- Learn some fun facts about America's south of the...
DUI Suspect Dances And Motorboats
- This guy dances, motorboats, and air-humps his way...
Cop Taken For The Ride Of His Life
- A cop on the hood hangs on for dear life!
Police Officer Tackles Girl
- Police Officer alleged that it was an accident.
Unexpected Reaction From A Police Officer
- This is what happens when you try to film a Swedish...
Hooligans Shoot Fireworks At Police
- Suspects shoot fireworks at Tulsa, OK Police and were...
Police Arrest Man And Kill His Dog
- Police arrested Leon Rosby for "Obstruction" then kill...
Man Vs Water Cannon
- Come at me bro... Ask and ye shall receive!
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