Giant Slide Fires A Human Torpedo
- Well that looks friggin' awesome!
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Health And Wellness Advice From GTA V
- A hilarious yet WTF anti-smoking PSA.
18 Random Pieces of Life Advice
- Advice you may or may not want to take seriously...
Kid Gets Owned By Workout Band
- I'd say you're better off just getting some free...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Nothing cures a weekend hangover like a fresh batch of...
A Thief You Would Never Suspect
- A family installed a camera to see who's stealing...
Norman Rockwell-Inspired Fan Art
- Awesome illustrations by artist Ruiz Burgos.
18 Things That Are Sad But True
- These cats tell it how it is.
Giant TV Malfunctions At Formula 1 Race
- A glitchy video creates a case of accidental porn.
Lighting A Mortar Shell Inside The Garage
- Just some good ole boys having some fun!
24 Things You Can't Deny
- Relatable truths, all up in your face!
Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn't Know
- Impress your friends with the cool kind of knowledge.
When Taunting In Sports Backfires
- If you taunt your opponents, you'd better be able to...
22 People Who Can't Catch A Break
- Bad days happen to everyone, but some more than others.
50 Shades Of Grey Author Gets Humiliated On Twitter
- These burns were so severe they had to call the...
24 Simple Yet Infuriating Things
- From things out of place to people who will make you...
16 Random Pics to Make You Smile
- Don't quit now! The internet isn't finished yet!
Don't Look Into This Statue's Eyes!
- Should have listened to the warning, people.
20 People Who Will Make You Cringe
- The type of people who make it awkward to around.
15 Lies Web Designers Tell You
- You won't believe how much bullsh*t they're feeding...
15 TV Freeze Frames That Will Crack You Up
- freeze frame and LOL.
Guy Rips Epic Fart in Court, Uptight Judge Throws...
- The judge should have knocked a few hours off his...
20 of The Best Murrica Pictures
- America! F*k yeah!
The Poor Man's Way To Move A Sofa
- You've got to admire his dedication to getting the job...
Arnold Schwarzenegger Owns a Homophobe
- A fan didn't like Arnie's new profile pic on Facebook...
Talented Artist Makes Hyperrealistic Drawings
- The more he draws, the better he gets.
Hump Day Pic Dump
- 33 wild and WTF images to get you through the rest of...
24 Hilarious tl;dr Wikipedia Definitions
- Explanations compressed into short minimum hat's hard...
Sunbathing Seal Gets Spooked By Sailboat
- Damn man, don't sneak up on me like that!
Dadholes - Happy Father's Day!
- These dads think Fathers Day is a Joke.
The Time Arnold Schwarzenegger Trolled People as The...
- A "wax statute" of the Terminator suddenly comes to...
25 Random Pics That Rule
- A fresh batch of funny, random, and WTF pictures!
Hump Day Pic Dump
- 30 wild and WTF images to get you through the rest of...
32 Hilarious Gordon Ramsay Insults
- Gordon delivers the truth... with a harsh dose of...
Uncle Of The Year's High Flying Dunk
- Everyone's favorite stoner Uncle.
28 Extreme "Well... Sh*t" Moments
- It's comforting to know some people are having a much...
21 Random Pics For a Lazy Sunday
- Enjoy some lulz to round out a beautiful...
Black Man Gets Pulled Over by Caucasian Police Officer
- A young black male shares his thoughts after being...
Two Young Punks Target The Wrong Old Man
- This old man whoops some ass...
35 Kick Ass Weekend Images
- Have a great weekend!
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