Awesome Dance Lesson
- er........
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The Moist Maker: A Dance of Seduction
- Gotta love cheesy 80's low budget pornos.
Lady Boy Stewardesses
- Lady boys Hired As Air Hostesses By New Thai Airline...
Really Happy Cop at Parade
- Wait a minute......
The Naughty Side of Woody
- This isn't the Woody you grew up with, this is Woody...
Giddy Man Loves Sequins
- He is so excited, he drops the F-Bomb on a live news...
Very Manly Kid Sings Katy Perry
- He's going to show you how to use his lips hmmmmm
Students Use Hidden Camera to Broadcast Gay Sex
- Tyler Clementi, a gay freshman at Rutgers, took his...
Bullies Attack Boy Cheerleader
- "My child is broken"...you can say that again.
Peter Pan Fail
- Terrible, just terrible. This may be the end of Chris...
Random Pictorial of Gayness
- Start the rest of your life off with some gayness.
Pastor Goes Nuts With Holy Spirit in Front of Equality...
- hes speaking in tongues... lame
Fat Gay Cheerleader Fail
- Fattie screams like a girl on wipeout.
A Hero Is Born.
- A tale of Epicness...
Mickey Mouse Clad Fat Kid Covers Lady Gaga
- kids these days......
Fruit Boot Fail
- that's what you get for wearing gay blades
Fight at a Chicago School Between Two Gay Men
- Wait for the last :45 seconds when the celebration...
Funny, Crazy, Terrible Car Mods
- A jumbo collection of sad, funny, idiotic car mods......
Roach Clip Episode 6
- Saudi officer Ahmed Balfaqeeh gets caught going ultra...
Don't Look In The Box
- Its a TRAP
Redneck Trampoline Fail
- You can't tell if they're close, or just stupid. ...
Ambiguously Gay Duo Rides Again
- with awesome results
Rabbit Fight
- Rabbits spontaneously begin fighting. Rabbits fight...
Top Protest Signs of the Year
- Nothing brings that tear to my eye like anal...
Big Guy Gets Owned By His Friends
- poor fool doesn't see it coming
Senator Speaks on Gays
- If he doesn't like it, maybe he should stop hanging...
"Miss" Gay Brazil Gets Owned.
- Bitter South American Faggory.
Soccer Pansies
- Not only do they play soccer, they cheat at playing...
He Wolf - She Wolf Parody
- This guy created an exact replica of Shakira's hit...
Parent Drags Kid Through the Verizon Store
- Better than letting it run off and get abducted.
Golden Power
- I Think That Is Similar To Gay Pride...
The Gay Penguins..
- Spreading Penguin Aids Throughout The Penguin Nation.
- The song couldn't be any more true.
Kobe Gay?
- Kobe Bryant seems to enjoy slapping that ass just a...
Adam And Eve Gay Version
- Eve really got screwed over big time
Hulk Hogan Sends Gay Message
- Can you spot the sexual undertones?
Disgusting Dominos People
- Nice, awesome advertising for Dominos....
Explosive Legs Workout
- When you see a work out like this at the gym all you...
Stop Calling Me a Homo
- You'll be sorry.
Singer surprised on stage
- Singer screams like a little girl when he's visited on...
eBaum's Picks