The Fails of February Compilation
- A little compilation I put together.
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Best Fails of 2010
- watch and learn
Drunk Golfer Fail
- Fouuurrrrr more beers.
Skateboarder Grinds the Rail and Faceplants
- Also, just misses the ice cream truck! LOL
Girl Tries To Do Back Flip On News
- But does a face plant instead, twice!
Gun Vs. Teeth
- Well, he was right. He didn't need them anyways.
Beer Bong Fails
- Drunken acts of fail
Idiot Fails Trampoline Megajump
- You know this is going to end bad
Louisville Cop Flips Over Fence in Drug Raid
- Just living the dream.
Stairsurfing Fail
- yep...courage...hahaha
911 Fails
- When emergency rescue just isn't meant to be...
Parkour Fails
- Some videos of rookie parkour and pro parkour fails
Loser Fails Hilariously at Carnival Hammer Game
- This is now the most embarrassing way to get hammered...
Special Forces Training
- I guess its a good thing this was only training.
Kid Fails Driving Tests
- Funny video of guy failing 5 driving tests in one day!
Random Schmandom
- cool stuff, funny pics
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