Party Sobriety Test
- Get another beer for Travis.
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Boogy Board Down the Stairs
- Guy Successfully Makes it Down The Downs on his Sled...
Outstanding Bike Race Accident
- One guy wrecks and takes out all 5 other racers too....
Police Sketch Fail
- Now the police are gonna catch this guy...
Small Rides, Massive Loads
- Where are these guys when we need a hand?
Giraffe Snot Facial!
- Never get this close to a giraffe with a sinus...
Pitcher Hit with Bat
- Never Pitch To a Noob Batter
Christian Side Hug
- This is the reason why there's a stereotype that white...
Mini Dozer Fail
- Construction Equipment And Mental Disabilities Don't...
Wake Boarder Fail!
- Cowabunga Dudes!
France Cheats their way to the World Cup
- French Soccer player Thierry Henry, blatantly...
Closet Fail
- The Only Bigger Closet Fail Was Your Inability To Stay...
Soccer Fail
- Poor Kid.
Show Off Goalie Gets Owned
- Next time I don't think he'll be so cocky, if there is...
Two Horsepower Meets Two-Hundred
- How do you say "FAIL" in arabic?
When Demolition Doesn't Go as Planned
- This Happens.
Bad Pool Jump
- Ouch! Kids going to need a new jaw after that one.
Skateboarder Grinds Rail with Nuts
- then gets pissed at the camera man
Ultimate Fighter Kills Door
- Either steroids played a part in the death of this...
Chair Walking Fail
- He even tries again in slow-motion, but still fails...
Railslide FAIL
- Yeah, this idiot isn't going to reproduce.
Celebrity Then and Nows
- Some for the better, most for the worst.
Hot Girls Risky Business Fail
- For those that like to mix pain and pleasure!
Shopping Cart Double Face Plant
- These two guys were planning on using a shopping cart...
Succesful Wheelie
- painful end...
Chick Farts in Class
Drunk Forklift Operator Destroys Vodka Warehouse
- A sad day for martini lovers everywhere.
Drunk Table Dancer
- fall or fail? your call
Fuel Truck Goes BOOM!
- Crashed fuel truck explodes as crews try to tip it...
Professional Parking
- This is how it is done!
Car Jump
- Come on Bo Diddley!
Idiot Wrecks His Dodge Viper
- What a waste..
Rollerblader Almost Dies
- Genius decides to rollerblade over a mall sun-dome and...
Downhill Faceplant
- Great facial strawberries. This kid loses his balance...
2009 Worlds Jessica Gil Ortiz
- And what goes to elegant gymnastics turns to owned
Hurt: World Ain't Right
- American soldiers discuss the attacks that made them...
Skateboarding Dog Fail
- It's Kind Of Cruel, But It's Really Funny.
Kitten FAIL
- Kitty doesn't quite make it
Shopping Network Wii Remote Fail
- There goes your commission, buddy.
G Unit Gets Booed and Hassled
- The barage of shit getting thrown at them while...
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