Crowd Saves Microphone Fail
- ...sniff sniff, god bless it amurka
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A Reason Why Not To Fall Asleep On NYC Subway
- A homeless man gets a rude awakening, what could it...
UFC Fighter With Metal Hands
- This seems perfectly fair to me
BMX Race Start Epic Fail
- I guess that takes away any handicap
Gamestop Girl
- Fucking fire-breathing undead ninjas...
Skateboard Slingshot Fail
- If he wasn't retarded before, he probably is now!
WTF Appreciation Gallery VII
- Described as the ebw's gallery that appreciates the...
Hillary Clinton Falls Boarding a Plane
- She had a great trip to Yemen, then shattered her...
Man With Golden Voice Arrested
- Ted Williams career can only go down hill from here
400 Pounds of Failure
- A fat man uses his head ....as a battering ram.
Insane Parkour Faceplant
- A guy makes a leap of faith and ends up landing on his...
Guitar Zero
- A terrible guitarist receives a reprimand from the...
Headbutting Outside McDonalds
- No brains, no headaches.
Brutal Soccer Tackle
- That's what you get for wearing a pink jersey
Streak Fail
- Sometimes a Fail is really a Win!
Dance Fail
- Here's a clue. She hits her head.
Sk8er Lands a Backflip
- on his head
Beer Ripoff
- Don't buy the large beers at a NFL game.
Double K.O. Causes Brawl
- Kicking someone in the head while they are knocked...
Farout Asian Pictorial 54
- Enjoy the anniversary FAP. To view FAPs from previous...
House Turns Into Nice Firewood
- From using dynamite.
3 Person Nutshot
- A group of friends synchronize a nutshot together!
Kid Gets Owned by Fatty on Awesome Slip and Slide
- This kid faceplants in a perfect crescent after being...
Extreme Couponing
- watch this woman's $230 bill diminish with her wise...
Ketchup Robot Fail
- Somebody designed a robot to put ketchup on their...
News Cameraman Gets Attacked
"You stole my bong!"
- This is how REAL MEN fight!
Double Backflip Off Tree Fail
- and another one bites the dust...
Nutshot Compilation Video
- 20 nutshots in 46 seconds
Pittsburgh Man's House Demolished by Mistake
- A Pittsburgh man says he returned to his home after...
WTF Appreciation Gallery VI
- Sixth gallery of wtfness weirdness awesomeness.
Save Me A Huh?
- A commercial regarding a customer testimonial for...
Worst Referee Ever
- Someone get him a pulled pork sandwich
Holy Sh!t There's A Knife In Your Skull!
- guy is still standing talking on the phone with a...
Genius Needs a Job
- Maybe if i start leaving messages like this, i could...
Meet The Russian Rocky
- He's like Popeye, but with Vodka.
KFC Worker Loses It
- He doesn't like being on camera.
Kitten Confused by Mirror
- This adorable kitten is scared of its own reflection
Japanese Marathon Fail
- Their mistake cost him first place.
Farout Asian Pictorial 53
- Have a FAPulous New Year! To view FAPs from previous...
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