Scooter Ride Fail
- Wait for it...
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Big Bike Jump Fail
- Did he make it?
Kid Just Wants a Doughnut...
- He didn't have some doughnuts...
Drunk Buffalo Bills Fan Takes a Dive
- That's going to leave a mark
Hammer Throw FAIL
- It's Hammer Time
Christmas Carol Freakout
- wait for it....you mad bro?
How to Clean a Baby's Face
- Father of the year...!!!
Biggest Battlefield 3 Troll
- Epic Reactions !!!
Crazy Dude Crashes Through Store Trying To Kill...
- Police this weekend said the driver behind the wheel...
The Sh*t Girls Say...
- We have all heard these.
The Most Intense Taekwondo Fight Ever
- Chuck Norris couldn't tie these kids shoes!
Guy Owned by Big Ball
- "Can we watch that in slow motion?" Yes.
Guy Goes On Shooting Spree in Hollywood
- Guy loses it and starts shooting random cars at a busy...
Going In F'ing Sane
- GIFs!
Rollerblade FacePlant - Fail
- don't help him..just laugh
Don't Touch That
- Why do people do this?
Karate Kid Fail
- Daddy vs kid boxer
Glad It's Friday
- GIFs! Enjoy!
Pool Jump Nutshot
- He scissored it!
Kid Wrecks Hard On Bike Path
- Hello neckbrace!
Bill O'Reilly Attacks Videographer With Umbrella
- As a result, he broke his umbrella and got himself all...
Dog Fail
- Watch where you're going fella.
WTF Appreciation Gallery
- WTF goodness guaranteed
Instant Karma
- Do stupid things to others and in the end you're the...
Aye Aye Sir!
- Was that a sneaky wank wank at the end?
Drunk Walking With Style!
- Two steps forward five steps back
Going In F'ing Sane
- GIFs!
Pomeranian Vs Mirror
- Mirror Wins
Doorbell Prank With Unexpected Bonus
- Some kids pull a doorbell prank on someone, but it...
Paraglider Landing Surpise
- I wonder if his insurance covers that...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your December off with some randomness!
The Bestbuy Return
- Another satisfied IPad customer
Kid Has Hobby That Really Sucks
- When I was 12 I was collecting pogs
- Seriously?
25 Facebook Wins & Fails
- The wins and fails you love, and love to hate!
Back Flip Fail
- The bike needs to be with you for the trick to work.
Trizza's Fail Complication November 2011
- brought to you by Trizza4show TwisterNederland8
Holiday Fail Compilation
- It's that wonderful time again!
Pure Ownage
- This is why they don't teach kids sword fighting in...
Dance Student Knockout
- A young dance student gets accidentally knocked out by...
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