10 Biggest Video Game Microtransaction Rip-Offs
- You're better off lighting your money on fire than...
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Uptight Dad Gets Roasted by Real Marines for Telling...
- That's gotta hurt.
47 Unexpected Times Life Decided to Suck
- Life is hard enough as it is, but it can be even worse...
17 Guests Who Had Horrible Behavior
- If you do any of these things, don't come to my house.
25 Design Fails Caused by Bad Font Spacing
- Not all fonts are spaced perfectly, and sometimes they...
29 People Who Got Answers the Question 'What Happens...
- Quick answers to life's everyday curiosities.
10 Video Game Remasters So Bad They're Crimes
- These developers couldn't even hit Copy + Paste...
21 Super Entitled People Being the Choosiest of Beggars
- These people want more and more, nothing is ever good...
25 Times Life Escalated Quickly
- Pictures we can laugh at because we're not the ones in...
10 Most Important Glitches in Video Game History
- Mistakes just as amazing as the games they were in.
18 Requests Fulfilled Correctly but Annoyingly
- Maybe they're overthinking things.
23 Silly Jokes That Went Over Dumb People's Heads
- Another collection of dumb jokes and even dumber...
Apple Tries Appealing to Gamers with 'League of...
- Apple should go back to making apples instead of...
Self-Righteous Facebookers Attack Woman for Disowning...
- The case infuriated people and no one could stay...
Sony Removes Functionality from PlayStation Store for...
- Change is coming, and change is rarely good.
25 Super Entitled People Living in Their Own Reality
- The world has no shortage of entitled people or as we...
25 Pics Filled To the Brim With Dumb
- A batch of dumb served right at ya.
Guy Shares the Five Secrets to Happiness, Girlfriend...
- These five "secrets" actually sound like a lot of work.
16 Ruthless Jokes about the Dorky 'Gamer Credit Card'
- You can't even play "DOOM" on it.
'Super Mario Bros. 35' Is Free but Not Worth Your Time
- Everything you need to know about the reformed...
26 Punny Jokes Even You Could Understand
- Think hard, but not too hard.
32 Pics That Technically Aren't Wrong
- These are right in their own way.
18 Incriminating Company Secrets Employees Weren't...
- They got hold of some spicy stuff.
30 'Nice Guys' Who Are Actually Real Jerks
- They mistake being spineless and pathetic for being...
Nintendo's 'Mario Kart Live' Sucks Because You Can't...
- There's no point in getting this expensive toy if...
'Call of Duty' Is over 250GB and Gamers Have Stopped...
- "Hello hard drive my old friend. I've come to talk...
23 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip on...
- The world has no shortage of entitled people and...
Dad Embarrasses Kid by Recreating 'Are Ya Winning,...
- At least he's proud to be the father of a Twitch...
Angry Nerds Crap on Peter Parker's Face in the...
- The only thing gamers can agree on today is they hate...
25 Bad Jokes People Walked Right Into
- Someone get these people a ladder because these jokes...
'Call of Duty' Glitch Makes Guy Completely Invisible,...
- Those new camouflage suits are somethin' else.
29 of The Absolute Worst Life Hacks People Shared
- Never do this stuff.
18 Examples of Influencers Being Cringey and Fake
- Everything about them is fake.
Soulja Boy Gets Too High while Gaming and Forgets to...
- Use caution when smoking cannabis while gaming.
25 Super Entitled People Who are Living in Their Own...
- Things are just never good enough for some people....
Amazon's Game Streaming Service Arrives and Damn Is...
- Here's to hoping Amazon Luna is a sparkling failure.
20 Dumbest Game Controllers That Were Secretly Awesome
- These only sucked as much as they rocked.
Lawyers Reveal the Worst Things Clients Tried to Keep...
- Much like doctors, there's a reason you shouldn't try...
29 Real Geniuses Showing off Their Stupidity
- People who are just that dumb.
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder and a step stool...
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